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Q: How many times is a sheep generally sheared in India?
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What month does shearing of the sheep generally occur?

The shearing of the sheep can be done in any month and is performed at different times in different climates. Sheep in warmer climates are usually sheared in early spring prior to the birth of the lambs. Sheep in colder climates are shorn later to reduce any stress due to cold.

Why are sheep sheared in the fall and not spring?

As far as I have ever known they are sheared in the spring in cold climates. This was backed up by a website: Some are sheared 2 times in a year but I grew up in a cold climate and I never saw anyone do this.

Why do animals have to be skinned for their fur?

because their fur is attached to their skin. what do you think the base of the coat is? you would just have tufts and shreds of fur otherwise... I do wonder if it may be worthwhile to develop a process by which to shear a furred animal and then base the fur into fabric. If you're thinking of wool, sheep are not killed for it. They are sheared. It makes no sense to kill the animal because dead or alive, it would have to be sheared. Also, a single sheep can be sheared many times, so it's actually more profitable not to kill it. So for now, it's best to say no to fur to discourage animal cruelty and poaching.

What are sheep useful for?

Sheep are most commonly used for the production of wool(which is sheared off), meat (for which the animal is slaughtered) and the hide (a byproduct of meat production) which is used to make leather.

How many times is sheep written in the Bible?

Sheep appears 189 times in the Bible.

How many times do you milk sheep?

If they are dairy sheep - they are usually milked twice a day.

How many times is sheep mentioned in Old and New Testament king James version?

The word sheep appears 189 times (148 OT, 41 NT) in the KJV of the Bible.A lamb is a young sheep and that word appears 175 times. A total of 357 verses have either the word sheep or lamb in it.

How many times is 'sheep' mentioned in the New Testament?

39 times.

Did Maryland have sheep in the colonial times?


Where there any animals to haunt in colonial times?

Yes. In colonial times, dragons hunt cows and sheep. The lions hunt for sheep, racoons, etc.

Can a black sheep mate with a white sheep?

no because there is high racial activity among sheep, and at various times, huge gang wars in a field!

Is Jaideep Bose the editor of Times of India?

No, Jaideep Bose is not the editor of Times of India. The current editor of Times of India is Rajesh Kalra.