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In 1798 Napoleon used 30,000 troops when he invaded Egypt. Napoleon believed that Egypt was a weak point in Britain's world empire. One goal of the invasion was to control the Mediterranean's route to India.

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Q: How many troops did Napoleon use in the invasion of Egypt?
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What were 3 of Napoleon's biggest mistakes?

Napoleon Bonaparte's mistake: - Invasion of Russia in 1812 : Napoleon's army were not used to the climate in Russia, so it caused many men's death. Napoleon Bonaparte's mistake: - Invasion of Russia in 1812 : Napoleon's army were not used to the climate in Russia, so it caused many men's death.

What was Napoleon's Bonaparte biggest obstacle?

When he was a young artillery officer he managed to drive the Royal Navy out of Toulon. Throughout his career the Royal Navy and the troops of the United Kingdom remained the greatest obstacle in his long and illustrious career. Wanting to invade Russia, he had not counted on the Russian winter, this is where he lost a great many of his supplies and more than half his troops, the Russians burned everything that they thought Napoleon would use, including fuel and food., they then set Moscow ablaze, he had no choice but to return to France defeated.

How many killed in invasion of Normandy?

Casualties and Losses of the Invasion of Normandy 1944 German: Between 4,000 and 9,000 dead, wounded, or captured U.S.: 1,465 dead; 5,138 wounded, missing, or captured U.K.: 2,700 dead, wounded or captured; Canada: 500 dead; 621 wounded or captured

Did France ever have a war with Egypt?

Many times actually.. during the Crusades , the Seventh Crusade led by Louis IX of France from 1248 to 1254 Approximately 50,000 gold bezants (a sum equal to the entire annual revenue of France) was paid in ransom for King Louis who, along with thousands of his troops, were captured and defeated by the Egyptian army led by the Ayyubid Sultan then the Egyptian Expedition of Napoleon to occupy Egypt in 1798 and finally in 1956 , a coalation of Great Britain , France and Israel attacked Egypt to take back Suez canal (that was the aim of Britain and France ) and to occupy anything they can (Israel`s target) , and the result was Israel occupied Sinai , but had to give it up later , and France and Britain leaving Egypt after the United states and Soviet union threatened them to declare war against Britain and France..

How many people live in the Arabian Desert in Egypt?

The population of Egypt is estimated to be about 79 million.

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The question as posed is unanswerable. Napoleon invaded many cities, states, and empires and in each invasion there were at least two armies (the French army and the army of the invaded country). As a result, without clarifying which invasion we are talking about and which army in that invasion, this question is impossible to answer.

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He entered with 500,000 soldiers and escaped with fewer then 5,000.

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deserting he let so many of his troops die when he fled from russia to france

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There were essentially 8 invasion points, the 5 beaches, and 3 areas inland where paratroopers and glider troops landed.

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In the battle of Waterloo that lead to the downfall of Napoleon Bonaparte, there were 23,000 British troops along with 44,000 allied troops (Germans, Belgians, Dutch, and the Prussians). The French had 74,000 troops of which 48,000 troops perished.

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On the first day of Operation Overlord, 160,000 troops landed with many more following.

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Around 160,000 troops were landed on the French coast on 6th June 1944, the largest invasion force that there has ever been.

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The D-Day invasion of Normandy could not have happened without the US. America supplied millions of troops, many ships, aircraft and weapons.