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Q: IN what year did remembrance day become a statutory holiday in Canada?
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When did remembrance day become a holiday?

well as soon as people started remembering each other

How did Memorial Day become a holiday?

It became a holiday because of all the soldiers who gave their lives and used this day as a remembrance day (British answer).

When did Christmas become a national holiday in Canada?

It became a national holiday in 1870 (June 26th)

When did remembrance day become and official holiday?

I've been going demented trying to remember this also. Somebody. Anybody. Please.

When did armistice day become a holiday?

Armistice day became a nationa holiday in 1954. The named was changed to veteran's day when that happened. Armistice day is also known as remembrance day.

When did Armistice Day become a national holiday?

Armistice day became a nationa holiday in 1954. The named was changed to veteran's day when that happened. Armistice day is also known as remembrance day.

When did remembrance day become a stat holiday?

King George V dedicated November 11th as Armistice Day (rememberance day) on November 7th 1919 to pay respects to the people that died during the world war. King George V dedicated November 11th as Armistice Day (rememberance day) on November 7th 1919 to pay respects to the people that died during the world war.

When did Saint Patrick's Day officially become a holiday?

it is not official a holiday

When did the holiday memorial day become a legal holiday?

On June 28, 1968

Why do have ANZAC day?

Initially, it was a day of remembrance for those ANZACs who lost their lives at Gallipoli, but it has long since become a day of remembrance for all ANZACs who died in all wars.

How does a day become a holiday?

well apparently the government to pass a law saying it is a holiday but it is really hard to get your own holiday.

When will Rev Al Sharpton's birthday become a federal holiday?

No one knows if and when Rev. Al Sharpton's birthday will become a federal holiday.