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Q: If a powerboat is operating at night from which direction should the lights be shown?
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Which light should be shown when operating a powerboat at night?

When operating a powerboat at night white light should be shown on the stern and red and green lights on the bow.

You are operating a powerboat at night and you see green and white lights on another boat. What should you do?

Stand on, but remain alert.

What should you do to prevent erosion while operating a powerboat near shoreline?

In order to prevent erosion while operating a powerboat near the shoreline is to maintain wake speed to avoid swerving in a counter-clockwise direction.

You are operating your powerboat near Shoreline what should you do you do to prevent erosion?

If you are operating your powerboat near a shoreline, you should run at wake speed in order to help prevent erosion.

If a powerboat is operating at night from which direction should the white masthead light be visible?

The masthead light should be visible in a 225 degree arc centered on dead ahead.

You are operating your powerboat near a shoreline. What should you do to help prevent erosion?

If you are operating your powerboat near a shoreline, you should run at wake speed in order to help prevent erosion.

You are operating a powerboat at night you see res and white lights on another boat what do these lights tell you?

seeing the Red & Green lights without knowing what they are telling you means you should not be the operator of a boat of any kind until you learn that they are Navigation lights and even if you are not operating a power boat, you still need to understand what they mean. I suggest you do a boat lic. course before you cause an accident.

You are operating a powerboat near shoreline what should you do to help prevent erosion?

Run at no wake speed

What items should a 14 foot powerboat carry between sunrise and sunset?

Navigation lights.

A powerboat is operating at night Which color light must show on the port left side of this boat?

When operating a powerboat at night, the port side(left side) should display a red light. The starboard side(right side) should display a green light.

What should the operator of powerboat A do if powerboat b begins to cross on the starboard?

Powerboat A should give way to B.

You are operating a powerboat at night You see green and white lights on another boat What do these lights tell you?

You are the stand-on vessel but be prepared to give way if necessary. When you see a white and a green light, you are the stand-on vessel. You should remain alert, however, in case the other vessel operator does not see you or does not know navigational rules.