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Although slavery as a practice began in the Americas in the 16th century, with the first shipment of slaves arriving in Virginia in the early 17th century, it was not until many years later that slavery would become a divisive issue in the United States. The fundamental reason was that slavery was not at first generally seen as immoral or otherwise wrong; that is, it was generally accepted to be natural or legitimate, and it would continue to be seen this way for many generations before a different view would become influential.

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Q: If slavery began in 1619 why did it take 200 years for it to become such a divisive issue?
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If slavery began in this country in 1619 why did it take 200 years to became such a divisive issue?

Slavery has been around for hundreds of years and still exists in some parts of the world today. It became a divisive issue in the 1800's because of the abolitionist movement in the North.

What issue kept some people from agreeing to the new constitution?

The most divisive issue in the creation of the new US constitution, following the Revolutionary War, was the issue of slavery. Of course, this remained a divisive issue until after the Civil War.

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Type your answer here.. the issue of slavery was becoming more divisive.

Describe slavery in your region or the attitude towards it?

It depends on which region. There were many regions where people were opposed to slavery, and some where they accepted it. Slavery was a very contentious and divisive issue, and it contributed

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It depends on which region. There were many regions where people were opposed to slavery, and some where they accepted it. Slavery was a very contentious and divisive issue, and it contributed to the Civil War in the United States.

How was slavery a divisive issue prior to the US Civil War?

The North used Slavery as a reason to try and gain back control of the the South when the South became unhappy with Taxes and laws being made.

Why did the expansion of slavery become such a divisive political issue in the 1840's?

The driving event was the westward expansion of U.S. territory, esp. in connection with the Mexican War (the product of the annexation of Texas). How the territories were to be organized - whether open to slavery or not - became a burning issue. The territorial issue was intensified at the end of the decade, by California's growth (aided immensely by the Gold Rush) and the issue of building a transcontinental railroad through the territories to link east & west.

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How did the issue of slavery become most important social issue in the 1830s?


How did the issue of slavery become the most important social issue in the 1830?


Which political party's platform completely avoided the issue of slavery altogether?

The Whig Party's platform completely avoided addressing the issue of slavery in the years leading up to the Civil War. They focused more on economic issues and internal improvements rather than taking a stance on the divisive issue of slavery.

When did slavery become an issue The start of the war middle or the end.?

slavery became an issue many years before the civil war.