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Voltage is not measured in ohms. It is measured in volts.

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Q: If the resistance in ohms is higher than the voltage what does that mean?
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What does resistor perform?

A resistor's resistance is measured in ohms. The higher the resistance the less current will flow with a constant voltage applied across the resistor. In terms of Ohm's Law Voltage = Current x Resistance.

How powerful are ohms?

Ohms do not relate to power per se. Ohms do however contribute how much power a circuit can deliver. In a given circuit the lower the resistance (measured in ohms) the higher the current & higher the power. This is assuming the voltage remains constant.

What is the ohm unit used to measure?

Ohms measure electrical resistance. The resistance in ohms is the voltage divided by the current.

What do the 3 letters of ohms law mean?

V = I * R V = voltage I = curernt R = resistance

What voltage is required to sustain a current of 0.50 through a light bulb resistance of 190?

The voltage of a circuit with a resistance of 250 ohms and a current of 0.95 amps is 237.5 volts. Ohms's law: Voltage = Current times Resistance

How many amperes of current will flow in a circuit if the voltage difference is 9 V and the resistance in the circuit is 3 Ω?

Ohm's Law: Current = Voltage divided by resistance 9 volts divided by 3 ohms = 3 amperes.

Amps times ohms equal?

voltage! measured in volts. current X resistance = voltage simple ohms law

What is the difference between ohms and volts?

ohms is the unit of resistance while volts is the unit of voltage

What is the resistance of an object if a voltage the voltage of 40 V produces a current of 5?

Ohm's Law: Resistance = Voltage divided by Current 40 volts divided by 5 amperes = 8 ohms.

What is the Mathematical formula for OHMS law?

Current = voltage/resistance

What is the formula for electrical resistance?

Resistance(Ohms)= Voltage(volts)/Current (Ampheres) -X

How is electrical resistance calculated?

Resistance (Ohms) = Potential Difference (Voltage) / Current (Amps)