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Q: In Saving Private Ryan what does upham say to the guy before he shoots him?
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Who is the translator in Saving Private Ryan?

The name of the German-to-English translator in Saving Private Ryan was Corporal Upham, played by actor Jeremy Davies.

What did the German soldier say to CPL Opham?

At the end of Saving Private Ryan, when Upham captures him? He says "I know this soldier! I know this man!" To which Upham says the rude German phrase "halt die Schnauze!" which basically translates to "shut your trap!" The German says Upham's name, at which point Upham shoots him. He then tells the other Germans to "verschwindet", which means "disappear" or "vanish".

Why did upham not help melish in Saving Private Ryan knife scene?

Upham is a coward. He finally takes action when it is much too late.

How many members are left in Private Ryan's family at the end of Saving Private Ryan?

Just 2 are left. Upham and Reiben

What did Upham say to willie before he shot him at the end of Saving Private Ryan?

Upham said nothing to the character of Willie. In German, he told the other German soldiers to leave. Willie tried to appeal to Upham to let him go as well, however Upham pulled the trigger, thus ending Willie's ability to kill more Americans' as he did Captain Miller.

What did Upham say to Willie before he shot him at end of Saving Private Ryan?

Upham said nothing to the character of Willie. In German, he told the other German soldiers to leave. Willie tried to appeal to Upham to let him go as well, however Upham pulled the trigger, thus ending Willie's ability to kill more Americans' as he did Captain Miller.

Why was Upham Saying in Saving Private Ryan?

To the family of the little girl in the fictional town of Neauville, "Ou sont les allemends?" Where are the Germans?

In Saving private Ryan what did Upham say to the German?

Hands up, hands up, drop your weapons, Shut up( to german soldier)

Who Plays corporal Op ham in Saving Private Ryan?

Jeremy Davies as Technician Fifth Grade Timothy E. Upham, a cartographer and interpreter

What did the German soldier say to Private Upham in the stairway?


Does capt miller survive in saving private Ryan?

Captain Miller, played by Tom Hanks, did not survive the events of "Saving Private Ryan". He is killed in the final sequence of the film after being shot and killed alongside a few other characters including privates Mellish and Jackson and Sergeant Horvath. In a heroic and classic scene, he manages to blow up a Nazi tank, potentially saving the lives of the three surviving privates Ryan, Reiben and Upham.

What is wrong with Corporal Upham in Saving Private Ryan?

In every military company, there is a soldier or two who are immature, afraid, inexperienced, and who lack the courage to stand up for what they believe and cannot turn to their training. T-5 Timothy E. Upham displayed the characteristics of someone who soldiers used to call a "yellow belly", someone too timid or unwilling to fight. But Upham partly redeemed himself in the end, by both shooting the German to whom Cpt. Miller had shown compassion, as well as compassionately allowing the other Germans to flee. Upham watched the German shoot Miller. Killing that German was the only time Upham fired his weapon! Upham's main problem was he didn't want to be killed or kill-- until that one German disrespected Captain Miller's previous compassion. After watching Miller's courage, he had to kill just that one soldier.