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It's like a normal class, but where you learn about the government.

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Q: In Twilight Bella takes the class 'Government' what is it?
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What happened at the end of the story twilight?

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Where Does Edward Take Bella At the end Of Twilight?

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Bella is a fictional character in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. She moves to the town of Forks, Washington, where most of the series takes place.

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In midnight sun edward takes the lemonade bottle lid of Bella's, in twilight he takes her keys, i don't know what he takes in the movie though. idk! i don't think i remember reading it i can't read good I'm a slow reader! besides, i don't even think i remember him taking something of Bella's that would belong to her anyways! sorry.

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The restaurant in the Twilight movie is called "La Bella Italia." It is where Edward and Bella have their first date.

What is the hotel shown in the movie twilight?

The hotel shown in the movie Twilight is called The View Point Inn, located in Corbett, Oregon. It was used as the exterior of the hotel where Bella and Edward have their prom scene.

In twilight new moon who takes Bella to Phoenix?

Bella didn't go to phoenix in New moon (The book nor the Movie) She went to phoenix in twilight (both the book and the movie) which Jasper and Alice take her. In the book Eclipse Bella visits her Mother in Jacksonville, her and Edward fly out there.

Who did Bella give the second set of photos she took in Twilight?

i think that you are talking about the part where Bella takes out the developed photos from her birthday camera correct? well that part is in new moon, not twilight. she keeps the photos of edward and her and sends the rest of them to renee.

When does edward tell Bella he can read minds?

Edward tells Bella that he can read minds in the first Twilight book, during their conversation in the biology classroom.