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in series you XL, voltage leads the current, and in Parallel current leads the voltage. so your answer should reflect on this theory.

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Q: In a series RLC circuit at frequencies above resonance is the circuit capacitive or inductive?
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Why current is maximum in series resonance circuit?

Because the only opposition to current flow is the resistance of the circuit. This is because, at resonance, the vector sum of the inductive and capacitive reactances is zero.

Why does the resistance in a series resonant circuit have no bearing on the resonant frequency?

Series resonance occurs when a circuit's inductive reactance is equal to its capacitive reactance. The resistance of the circuit is irrelevant.WebRep currentVote noRating noWeight

What happens in series resonance?

The properties of a series alternating-current L-R-C circuit at resonance are:the only opposition to current flow is resistance of the circuitthe current flowing through the circuit is maximumthe voltage across the resistive component of the circuit is equal to the supply voltagethe individual voltages across the inductive and capacitive components of the circuit are equal, but act in the opposite sense to each otherthe voltage appearing across both the inductive and capacitive components of the circuit is zeroif the resistance is low, then the individual voltages appearing across the inductive and capacitive components of the circuit may be significantly higher than the supply voltage

Why at resonance the voltage drop across inductance and the voltage drop across capacitance is greater than the source voltage?

This isn't necessarily the case. It depends upon the value of resistance (which, at resonance, determines the current), and the values of the inductive- and capacitive-reactance.At resonance, the impedance of the circuit is equal to its resistance. This is because the vector sum of resistance, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance, is equal the the resistance. This happens because, at resonance, the inductive- and capacitive-reactance are equal but opposite. Although they still actually exist, individually.If the resistance is low in comparison to the inductive and capacitive reactance, then the large current will cause a large voltage drop across the inductive reactance and a large voltage drop across the capacitive reactance. Because these two voltage drops are equal, but act the opposite sense to each other, the net reactive voltage drop is zero.So, at (series) resonance:a. the circuit's impedance is its resistance (Z = R)b. the current is maximumc. the voltage drop across the resistive component is equal to the supply voltaged. the voltage drop across the inductive-reactance component is the product of the supply current and the inductive reactancee. the voltage drop across the capacitive-reactance component is the product of the supply current and the capacitive reactancef. the voltage drop across both inductive- and capacitive-reactance is zero.

What is meant by resonance in LCR circuit?

a circuit in which inductance L,capacitance C and resistance R are connected in series and the circuit admits maximumum current corresponding to a given frequency of a.c.Another AnswerIn the case of a series circuit, resonance occurs when its inductive reactance is exactly equal to its capacitive reactance. As the vector sum of these two quantities will then be zero, the only opposition to current will be resistance and, so, maximum current will flow through the circuit when resonance occurs. ALL circuits can be made to resonate at what is called their 'resonant frequency' because, as frequency increases, the inductive reactance increases but capacitive reactance falls -so, at some point the two will equal each other, and resonance will occur.In my view resonance means - the condition that exists when the inductive reactance and the capacitive reactance are of equal magnitude, causing electrical energy to oscillate between the magnetic field of the inductor and the electric field of the capacitor.

Why series resonance is called voltage resonance?

Series resonance isn't generally referred to as 'voltage resonance', but the expression probably comes from the fact that, at resonance, the voltage drop across the inductive component of a circuit is exactly equal to the voltage drop across the capacitive component of the circuit and, if the resistance of the resonant circuit is low in comparison with its reactance, then each of these voltage drops can be significantly higher than the supply voltage.

Why is capacitive voltage higher than inductive voltage in an R-L-C circuit?

It isn't necessarily so. The capacitive voltage is the product of the current and capacitive reactance, while the inductive voltage is the product of the current and the inductive reactance. So it depends whether the capacitive reactance is greater or smaller than the inductive reactance!

Inductive reactance is equal to capacitive reactance?

yes,they are equal at only one condition i.e. when the circuit containing R,L and C in series or in parallel behave as a purely resistive circuit. This condition occur only at resonance.

How does series resonance differ from parallal resonance?

In series resonance, the inductance and the capacitance are connected in series, but in parallel resonance they are connected in parallel. In series resonance, at an input signal with a frequency equal to resonance frequency, the total impedance of both inductive and capacitive elements together is zero (or they appear as short circuits) unlike the parallel resonance case in which it is infinite and they appear as an open circuit.

A circuit with a lagging current means the circuit is?

Inductive. Voltage (E) leads current (I) in an inductive (L) circuit and current (I) leads voltage (E) in a capacitive (C) circuit. (ELI the ICEman)

When is the power factor of a motor 1?

When the circuit is purely resistive or in resonance, i.e. capacitive and inductive reactance cancels out.Power factor is the ratio of apparent power over true power, and is the cosine of the phase angle between voltage and current.

Name type of circuit load which the apparent power is greater than the active power?

these two types of circuit loads are the purely capacitive loads and purely inductive loadsAnother AnswerApparent power will be larger than true, or active, power in ANY circuit, other than a purely-resistive circuit or an R-L-C circuit at resonance.