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Q: In one flew over the cuckoo's nest where did rp mcmurphy take the sanatorium patients?
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How does the chief know the new admission is no ordinary admission one flew over the cuckoos nest?

The chief realizes that the new admission, McMurphy, is not an ordinary patient because of his rebellious and non-conformist behavior that challenges the authority and routines of the mental institution. McMurphy's actions and interactions with the other patients quickly make him stand out as a disruptive force in the ward.

One flew over cuckoo's nest What happens at the end of chapter 7?

In chapter 7 of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," McMurphy and the other patients go on a fishing trip with Chief Bromden. McMurphy displays his rebellious and free-spirited nature by taking risks and challenging Nurse Ratched's authority. The chapter ends with a sense of camaraderie and empowerment among the patients as they defy the rules of the institution.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest What was McMurphy like to the rest of the ward?

McMurphy was idolised on the ward, eventually. First impressions of him weren't great but the real turning point was the debate regarding the world series baseball competition. McMurphy tried to lift the basin in order to try to escape, he knew and the other patients knew he couldn't and wouldn't do it, but he tried and they admired him for that. From then on McMurphy was the guy everyone wanted to be.

What is the genre of one flew over the cuckoos nest?


What does Mr.Bancini say repeatedly in flew over the cuckoos nest?

I tired

Who is the antagonist in the book one flew over the cuckoo's nest?

the antagonist in the book "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" is Nurse Ratched. she is the one who is causing all the trouble for the patients in the ward. she uses her insinuation to dominate the patients and doctors to gain her own power. the nurse aims toward the men weakness so the patients in the hospital call her "ball cutter" her domination negatively affects the patients mentally and physically until a new patients arrive, McMurphy. McMurphy takes all the attention in the ward which leads to many conflicts with Nurse Ratched. the war and fight againt the two patients proves the significance of female and male sexuality. the antagonist in the book "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" is Nurse Ratched. she is the one who is causing all the trouble for the patients in the ward. she uses her insinuation to dominate the patients and doctors to gain her own power. the nurse aims toward the men weakness so the patients in the hospital call her "ball cutter" her domination negatively affects the patients mentally and physically until a new patients arrive, McMurphy. McMurphy takes all the attention in the ward which leads to many conflicts with Nurse Ratched. the war and fight againt the two patients proves the significance of female and male sexuality.

Who are the victims in one flew over cuckoos nest?

Billy Babit is a victim in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

Who is not a domineering mother figure in one flew over a cuckoos nest?


Who played martini in one flew over the cuckoos nest?

Danny DeVito

What character did Danny DeVito in one flew over the cuckoo nest?

In the novel, the narrator is Chief Bromden Randle McMurphy is the main character The main staff are: Nurse Ratched (who plays the villian), The "Black Boys" Williams and Warren, Dr. Spivey, Nurse Pilbow, The Japenese Nurse, The PR man, Geever and Mr. Turkle There are also the "acute" patients who play significant roles. They are: Billy Bibbit, Dale Harding, George Sorensen, Charles Cheswick, Martini, Scanlon, Sefelt and Fredrickson There is also a group of "chronic" patients along with the two hookers, Candy and Sandy and Harding's beautiful wife Vera

What does 1 F O the C N stand for?

1 Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestOne Flew Over the Cuckoos NestOne flew over the cuckoo's nest.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Opening Theme Instrument?

It's a saw.