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To answer this question in its basic terms, the major reason the South began to become so solidly Republican had more to do with the issue of racism than anything else.

The Democrats became the party of the African-Americans as Democratic Presidents John Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson were both fierce advocates for the Civil Rights Movement and indeed Johnson introduced a program called "The Great Society" which created several federally mandated programs including welfare.

Southern whites, in general, did not look kindly to these intrusions into the ways things had always been and fought to keep African-Americans as second-class citizens.

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Q: In the 1960's What led to the expansion of the Republican Party in the south?
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In the US, as of the 2012 elections, the Republican party holds the majority of seats in the House of Representatives. There are 234 Republicans and 201 Democrats in the House. Please see related questions or re-ask your question if asking about another country.


southerners who joined the Republican Party and they wanted the South to industrialize as quickly as possible

What goal united the Democrats in the South in the South in the late 1800?

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