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Q: Is India command free enterprise or socialist economy?
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Is India a command economy?

India is not technically a command economy. The economy of India focuses more on an indirect and direct state intervention type of economy.

How India is a socialist republic?

India is not a socialist republic. While the government controls a good deal of the economy, India has been moving towards a free market economy rapidly.

Why India is a solicalist?

India is not a socialist economy. It is a capitalist economy - most enterprises are privately owned, seek profit and are guided by markets.

What is the nature of an economist?

Mixed. in India,The nature of economy is Mixed means it is the combination of capitalist and socialist economy.

Command economy in a sentence?

India has a commanded economy under the new prime minister. It means the country has economy in its hands.

What are some countries that practice mixed-market?

in fact, there is no country in the world which is purely socialist or purely capitalist. every economy is mixed. however, the degree to which an economy is socialist or capitalist may vary. Canada and India are some of the countries which are highly mixed.

What are some countries that practice mixed market?

in fact, there is no country in the world which is purely socialist or purely capitalist. every economy is mixed. however, the degree to which an economy is socialist or capitalist may vary. Canada and India are some of the countries which are highly mixed.

When was Revolutionary Socialist Party - India - created?

Revolutionary Socialist Party - India - was created in 1940.

When was United Socialist Organisation of India created?

United Socialist Organisation of India was created in 1947.

When was World Socialist Party of India created?

World Socialist Party of India was created in 1995.

When was French India Socialist Party created?

French India Socialist Party was created in 1947-07.

When was Revolutionary Socialist Party of India - Marxist - created?

Revolutionary Socialist Party of India - Marxist - was created in 2005.