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Q: Is Michael brave in story of kensuke kingdom?
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Who is narrating kensukes kingdom?

The story "Kensuke's Kingdom" by Michael Morpurgo is narrated by a boy named Michael. He recounts his family's around-the-world sailing voyage and the unique friendship he forms with Kensuke, a Japanese man living alone on a remote island.

Is Kingdom based on a true story?

Yes it is because at the back of the book there is a letter and it is a letter to Michael from Kensuke's son

Where can you find kensukes island?

"Kensuke's Kingdom" is a novel by Michael Morpurgo about a boy stranded on an island. The island itself is fictional, created by the author for the story.

Is kensukes kingdom a biography?

No, "Kensuke's Kingdom" is not a biography. It is a children's novel written by Michael Morpurgo, telling the story of a young boy named Michael who gets shipwrecked on a deserted island and forms a bond with an elderly Japanese man named Kensuke.

Is kensukes kingdom fiction or non- fiction?

"Kensuke's Kingdom" is a work of fiction written by Michael Morpurgo. It tells the story of a young boy named Michael who becomes stranded on an island and forms a bond with a mysterious man named Kensuke.

Is kensukes kingdom postscript true?

I have seen somewhere that the postscript in Kensuke's Kingdom is not true.

Where is kensukes kingdom set?

"Kensuke's Kingdom" by Michael Morpurgo is set on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. The story follows a young boy named Michael who becomes stranded on the island and forms a special bond with an elderly man named Kensuke.

Are any of Michael Morpurgo's stories real?

* Most of Michael Morpurgo's books are based on true events. An example is "Out of the Ashes," which was about foot and mouth disease. The story was not true, but woven together from events that have actually happened. * You know what? "Kensuke's Kingdom" probably was true. Michael got a letter 4 years after it was published from Kensuke's son.

Is the postscript from kensukes kingdom true?

"Kensuke's Kingdom" is a work of fiction by Michael Morpurgo, so the postscript at the end of the book is not true in a factual sense. However, it serves to provide closure to the story and offer some reflection on the themes presented throughout the book.

Who is Kensuke Ogawa?

Kensuke Ogawa is a Japanese photographer known for his distinctive black-and-white street photography. He gained prominence in the 1960s and 1970s for his candid and intimate images of everyday life in Japan. Ogawa's work often focused on capturing fleeting moments of human emotion and connection on the streets of Tokyo.

What did you learn from kensuke's kingdom?

"Kensuke's Kingdom" teaches important lessons about survival, friendship, forgiveness, and the power of nature. The story demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of adapting to new circumstances. It also highlights the bond between humans and animals.

What is the duration of Brave Story?

The duration of Brave Story is 1.87 hours.