The PS3 slim is 33% smaller, 33% quieter and uses 33% less power than the original fat PS3. Also the PS3 slim has significantly more memory, 120GB, 250GB etc... The PS3 slim only has 2 USB ports. If you are considering on buying a PS3, I would say go for the 120GB!
The first PS3 had 4 USB ports and they were backward compatible all the Fat PS3 with 2 USB ports lack both the hardware and the software to play PS2 games. The PS3 slim also does not have this feature, but it was lost more than a year before the PS3 slim was released back in 2008 and even in November 2007 for the 40 GB model YES as long as the ps3 is not the ps3 SLIM because the people who buit the ps3 SLIM did not do it but on the NOT SLIM ps3 you can feel free to do so. Totally untrue
PS3 fat way better than the slim why, PS3 fat have a 4 USB and you can play PS2 & PS1 games on it . The slim has only two usb and u cannot play PS2 games. The first sentence is only about the first PS3 model and there are other fat models that overheat, have smaller harddrives, lack the HDMI sync, and do not play PS2 Games. They are also the most common PS3 Fat Models. The early models that did play the PS2 games with the 4 USB ports are no longer new and have an unknown maintenance and use history. Many have been repaired with temporary fixes like resoldiering the motherboard and so can not be considered better because of the unknown history and reliability. Other original features like separate operating systems have already been removed with software updates and the models that have not been given the software updates lack many other new PS3 software capabilities like the PS3 Move 3D and use of Playstation Plus. The best PS3 out is the 320 GB with a Move Bundle still being sold by for $399.99
yes there are no slim PS3 games only PS3 games and PS3 Move Exclusive games that will only work on PS3s with the Move Bundle installed. Move compatible games do not require the move bundle installation except to use th move controller
Yes you can use memory cards to take information from one PS3 to another. This is true for all PS3s. There is no difference between any saved data on the PS3 fat and the PS3 slim.
The PS3 fat makes more noise when it is being used than the PS3 slim
Slim, doesn't overheat, quite, no smudging, lighter to move, though fat can play PS3 , PS2 games and PS2 slim can only play ps1 and ps3.
ps3 slim its much better trust me Also the PS3 fat is used and old and should not be expected to act like a new console or be better than the newly developed models even if they did cost more then.
The Fat PS3 uses more power than the Slim PS3 and will run much hotter
No the PS3 slim uses less power and cools better than the Fat PS3. Newer 160 and 320 GB models use even less power than earlier slim models.
It depends on what you want to do with your PS3, if you are looking to be able to play PS2 games, then you get a PS3 Fat, but if you only want it for PS3-related usage, you should definitely go for a slim.
The difference is: The PS3 slim is 33% smaller, 33% quieter and uses 33% less power than the original Fat PS3. Also the PS3 slim has more memory, 120GB, 250GB etc.. The slim PS3 has only 2 usb ports.Well for one the PS3 slim in 33% smaller than a normal PS3. Another thing is that the chances of getting Yellow Light of Death are very slim as the PS3 slim won't over heat as there is so much air vents around it. You can get more memory on a PS3 slim.
Yes they can and they can also play on the new slim released in May 2010. They really are only PS3 games and not games for the slim or fat PS3
The PS3 slim is 33% smaller, 33% quieter and uses 33% less power than the original fat PS3. Also the PS3 slim has significantly more memory, 120GB, 250GB etc... The PS3 slim only has 2 USB ports. If you are considering on buying a PS3, I would say go for the 120GB!
In the box itself, the ps3 slim is smaller and has a white box. The ps3 'fat' normally has a black box and is a lot more heavy, as well as bigger. Out of the box, the ps3 slim has hard buttons that actually move when you press them. The 'fat' ps3 is just a touch sensor for the eject and power buttons. The ps3 slim has a dull look, and the ps3 'fat' has a glossy look.