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Q: Is it possible to have your parents deemed unfit parents and get yourself emancipated and be adopted by someone else's parents in Illinois?
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Is it possible to have your parents deemed unfit parents or get yourself emancipated or something of the like and be adopted by someone living in Rhode Island if you live in Texas?

State laws vary, but you can become emancipated if you're sponsored by your parents, a guardian or a guardian ad litem, which is a person temorarily assigned to you. If your parents are truly unfit, your case is stronger. However, once you're emancipated you are considered to have all the priveleges and responsibilities afforded to an adult. Adoption wouldn't be necessary in that case. Emancipation is a long and very serious matter, so be sure you've exhausted all you other alternatives first, such as counseling or family court. Good luck.

What is Illinois' slogan?

Two months after Illinois entered the Union, the new Illinois General Assembly decreed, on February 19, 1819 they decided that a state seal should be made. The state motto isn't really the state motto, more as the adopted motto because of the seal.

Could a biological mother regain custody before her child is officially adopted?

Yes, this is possible if the child hasn't been adopted. or the mother could destroy everything the child has known and regain custody after they are adopted. This would be a very wrong act and it is not recommended.

How can you stop child support all together in Mississippi?

Show the court that: the child is deceased; the child has been adopted; the child is emancipated; the child has attained majority; you have no income other than public assistance; and, you do not owe any past-due support.

What are the legal rights of a 15 year old in foster care?

The child has the right to get emancipated if they believe she will be in the system until aging out (18) sometimes (21) if going to school. However theat is the only way to be released out of states custody unless released back to family or adopted.

Related questions

Is it possible to have your parents deemed unfit parents or get yourself emancipated or something of the like and be adopted by someone else's parents in Ohio?

There is no emancipation statute in Ohio. Contact child services in your area for help in getting out of a dangerous environment.

Is it possible to be adopted if you are living with your birth parents?

Yes but in order for you to be adopted they have to sign over their parental rights. And only they can put you up for adoption, you can not do that yourself.

What year was the Illinois flag adopted?

The official state flag was adopted in July 1,1970 -illinois constitution book

When was Illinois state bird adopted?

The Northern Cardinal was adopted as state bird of Illinois in the year 1929.

The Illinois constitution now in effect was the adopted in?


Is it possible to have your parents deemed unfit parents and get yourself emanipated and be adopted by someone else's parents when your fifteen in Oklahoma?

Go to an orphanage

Illinois present constitution was adopted in?

The current Illinois Constitution was adopted on December 15, 1970. It replaced the previous Illinois Constitution of 1870.

When was the first Illinois constitution written and adopted?

The first Illinois Constitution was adopted on August 26, 1818.

When was the current Illinois constitution adopted?

The current Illinois constitution was adopted on December 15, 1970. This is also the fourth constitution after 100 years of adopting the third constitution in 1870.

How long does it take to get adopted when you turn eighteen?

At age eighteen you are beyond adoption, you would become emancipated (in the US).

Our current Illinois Constitution now is very young; it was adopted in _____________.?


How many constitution has Illinois had?

There have been 4 Illinois constitutions. The first, adopted in 1818 when Illinois was admitted to the Union, followed by constitutions ratified in 1848, 1870, and 1970 which is the current constitution.