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The Standard of living is very similar, but Canada is generally rated a lot better than the U.S. Canada was rated 4th in a study of the top places to live in the world, while the U.S was rated 13th. There are many reasons for this:

1) Free Healthcare 2) Lower crime rates

3) Diverse political freedom Even though I do agree with you you shouldn't delete other ppl's answers, just add your answer after it let everyone have the right to answer a question because it really annoys me (and others) when people do that because it's like you don't care what others have to say. and even if you don't, somebody else will.

Canada is much much better. Hands down

I'm sorry, I only meant to get rid of the answer that was being proven wrong by everyone else. I was trying to make the answer cleaner and with more concrete proof. Maybe it would be best to modify the original answer, making it easier to understand instead of confusing it with arguments and loads of text.


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Q: Is life generally better up in Canada than here in the US?
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