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no he is full demon

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Kasia Charkowski

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2y ago

on the wiki it says Shippo is a yokai

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Q: Is shippo a half demon
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Does shippo love kilala?

No! And anyways, Shippo is a fox demon and Kilala is... something.

Does kilila and shippo love each other?

No, Shippo and Kilila Do not love each other. Well one Shippo is still young. Two Kilila is a cat demon with two tails and loves fire, where Shippo is a fox demon and has fox fire. The come in common many ways but still, no. And if so Inuyasha would have teased shippo the rest off his life. Hope i helped you!

Who is Shippo's Dad?

Shippo's dad was a fox demon murdered by the thunder brothers and then shippos dad was avenged by inuyasha when he destroyed them with his tetsiaga

Who is shippo in inuyasha?

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Does shippo find love in the inuyasha series?

In Kagome's voice-over narration during the last few minutes of the final episode of The Final Act, she says that Shippo is traveling on his own, working to pass his fox demon exams and become an even stronger kitsune demon.

How many kids does kilala have?

9 or 10 one of them is a fox cub demon named shippo

Which episode of InuYasha does shippo take the fox demon exam?

I think it's inuyasha final act episode 3

Is shippo from inuyasha a boy?

kinda-sorta. hes a fox-demon child that's male. so.... i think hes a boy

Is inuyasha a half wolf demon?

No he is a half dog demon one of his enemy's is a half wolf demon no Koga (enemy) is a full wolf demon

Is shippo in inuyash kagome's son?

nooo hes not hes kagome little buddy! also hes a fox demon not a mixture between human and a dog demon. hes cuter than a dog

Does kagome marry inuyasha when he is a half demon or a human?

HALF DEMON OF COURSE! she said that she likes him the way he is so of course she marries him when he is a half demon!

Why did shippo and kilala off of Inuyasha get married?

They don't. At the very end of Inuyasha: The Final Act, the last animated series featuring the Inuyasha characters (as of March 29, 2010), Shippo was still relatively young but continued to take his Fox Demon promotion exams on a regular basis, while Kilala went with Kohaku while he journeyed to help people with their demon problems.