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No. It can be found in Africans all over the world.

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Q: Is sickle cell only in African Americans?
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Can sickle cell anemia cause pneumonia?

no it dose not sickle cell anemia causes death only if African Americans

What is required for a person to have sickle cell?

The person is homozygous for the trait

What are the odds from dying from sickle cell anemia?

This is inherited and only African Americans have it.

What groups get sickle cell disease?

A person can only inherit sickle-cell genes if some of their ancestors came from certain regions in Africa where the inhabitants carry sickle-cell genes. A person with one sickle-cell gene has sickle-cell trait, a milder problem. If both father and mother pass on sickle-cell genes, the child, with two genes, will have sickle-cell disease.

Who is affected by sickle cell anemia?

Chromosome #11 is affected in sickle-cell anemiaChromosome #11 is affected in sickle-cell anemia

What can you do to prevent your chances of getting sickle cell disease?

Sickle cell can not be "caught". It is an inherited genetic disease and is only in the African American community.

Do African Americans have more red blood cells than caucasians?

No, the number of red blood cells does not differ based on race. However, conditions such as sickle cell anemia are more common in individuals of African descent. This inherited disorder affects the shape and function of red blood cells.

Can white people get sickle cell?

No. It is a generally found only in the African/ American community.

How many African Americans are carriers of the sickle cell disease?

Sickle-cell disease, usually presenting in childhood, occurs more commonly in people (or their descendants) from parts of tropical and sub-tropical regions where malaria is or was common. One-third of all indigenous inhabitants of Sub-Saharan Africa carry the gene, because in areas where malaria is common, there is a survival value in carrying only a single sickle-cell gene . Those with only one of the two alleles of the sickle-cell disease are more resistant to malaria, since the infestation of the malaria plasmodium is halted by the sickling of the cells which it infests. The prevalence of the disease in the United States is approximately 1 in 5,000, mostly affecting African Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Is sickle cell required by law to be tested for in all children?

No. Not all children will have it. Only those of African decent.

The difference between sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease?

It has to do with your genitic make up. You don't have sickle cell anemia because you only have 1 of the traits on your beta hemoglobin gene. People with sickle cell anemia have two.Most of the time peolple with sickle cell trait display much milder symptoms. It is more prevolent in African Americans and woman should be monitored during pregnancy.

Is sickle cell heterozygous?

yes there are two concentrations of sickle cell they are: sickle cell trait: co-dominance is established and only 50% of your cells are malformed sickle cell anemia: sickle cell is totally dominant and all cells are malformed, this only happens when both alleles are coded for sickle cell