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One of the boycotts Martin Luther King Jr was in was the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

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Q: Martin Luther King Jr was in what boycott?
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Who was in boycott with Martin Luther King Jr.?

Rosa Parks was in the boycott with Martin Luther King Jr.

Who lead the mongomery bus boycott?

Martin Luther King Jr. lead the bus boycott.

When did the bus boycott occur with Martin Luther King jr?

The bus boycott occurred with Martin Luther King on December 5, 1955 in Montgomery.

When was Martin Luther King Jr boycott?

he wus boyecott when he was aliyve?

Who joined Rosa Parks boycott?

Martin Luther King Jr.

What did Martin Luther King Jr accomplish in Alamba?

the bus boycott

How old was martin Luther king jr. when he was chosen to lead the Montgomery bus boycott?

Martin Luther King, Jr., was only 26 years old when he was elected to lead the Montgomery bus boycott.

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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was appointed the spokesperson for the Bus Boycott

When was the bus boycotts abolished?

martin luther king jr. ended the boycott

What was Martin Luther King Jrs contribution?

Martin Luther King Jr lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott and lead the Human Rights Movement.

What did Martin Luther King Jr. do as a pasture?

Martin Luther King Jr. was well known for being in the Montgomery bus boycott when he was a pasture and when that was asuccesshe got more international fame.

What did matin Luther king lead in montgomeryalabama?

Martin Luther King Jr. led the Montgomery Bus Boycott in Montgomery,Alabama.