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something about somedinosaurs found in both continents and they cant swim all across the ocean.

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Q: Other then South America and Africa Which two land masses fit together best?
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What are the masses of the Earth?

continents Continents: North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica, Europe, Africa and Asia (Europe, Asia and Africa are on the same land mass). Other landmasses include Greenland, Svalbard, Iceland, Indonesia and many other islands.

What are the land masses of the earth?

continents Continents: North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica, Europe, Africa and Asia (Europe, Asia and Africa are on the same land mass). Other landmasses include Greenland, Svalbard, Iceland, Indonesia and many other islands.

What is the continent that fits with Africa?

South America fits alongside Africa. If you look at a map and see the west coast of Africa and the east coast of South America, you can see they are like jigsaw pieces to each other, as at one time they were together, before splitting and drifting apart.

Which two continents are connected to each other and not entirely surrounded by water?

There are several occurrences of this: North America and South America = America Europe and Asia = Eurasia Africa and Asia = Afasia Europe, Asia, and Africa are mainly all grouped together in the supercontinent of Afro-Eurasia.

How fast are Africa and South America moving apart from each other?

It was because of fossils that scientist found.

What were the trade routes of the Triangular trade routes?

The Triangular Trade routes were either from Britain to Africa, America to Britain, America to Africa, or other routes that lead to either Africa, America, or Britain

Why is south America and Africa moving apart?

Continential drift. The world used to be one big supercontinent - Pangea. It cracked up and started drifting apart..if you try to put South America & Africa together, it fits just like a jigzaw do a lot of other continents into other landmasses.

What does gravity do to two masses?

gravity will pull them together. All objects with mass have an attraction to each other.

Which two countries are mirror image of each other?

south america and africa

How did Latin America come to have such a high amount of African influences on it?

When Africans were taken from Africa, they were taken to all other continents, not just North America.

Which two continents have the most obvious fit of their coatslines?

Africa and South America from a global perspective. If you look real close though you can stick some other far coastlines together.

Why was there no trade between India and the other countries of Africa and America during the ancient times?

because africa were not discovered