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citizens would smuggle goods which wouldn't let the East India Trading Company get as much money as they needed

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Q: Problems faced by Indians in british rule?
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Do you think it was easier for rich Indians or poor Indians to live under British rule?

it was easier for rich indians to live under british rule

Why were the Indians were unhappy with the British rule?

Because the British treated the Indians like slaves

What problems did American colonists face under British rule?

The reasons why the colonies broke away could fill volumes. Libraries are full of books on early US history.They faced similar problems after British rule as they did under British rule. The main difference was the people were now self ruled and self determining and were represented in government

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The Indians disapproved of British rule in the late nineteenth century, as they wanted to be independent.

Was it easier for rich Indians or poor Indians to live under british rule?

poo r

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The new rule of Tokugawa Shoguns, and new danger faced from trade.

How did the establishment of the British Raj affect Indian society?

Answer this question… It made Indians second-class citizens in their own country.

What problems weakened shogun rule in japan in the mid 1800s?

The new rule of Tokugawa Shoguns, and new danger faced from trade.

Did Gandhi encourage Indians to stop buying British goods?

Yes, Gandhi did encourage Indians to NOT buy British goods because it was too expensive in the olden days when India was under the British rule.

What methods did Indians under Gandhi to resist British rule?

he used passive resistance

Why did the Sepoy revolt against Britain?

The foreign rule angered many Indians who wanted independence. The British had not treated the Indians as equals.

In which was did British rule harm indians?

The British colonial rule over India was marked by the looting of natural resources, the mistreatment of the local people and the the collapse of the Indigenous Indian Industries.