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Because the people of France never wanted her on the throne in the first place, as being foreign (she was Austrian). Also a lot of people were jealous of her and spread horrible gossips about her which were not true. They also ridiculed her terribly by terrorizing her about the fact that her mariage wasn't consumed (that happened about 7 years into the mariage because it is said that Louis XVI had to be circumcised due to a foreskin that was too tight to have intercourse), the way she spoke French (with an Austrian accent), the way she looked (she had a high forehead and an outspoken nose). She was surrounded by enemies all day every day and all she ever wanted was some friends. When she found those (Yolande de Polignac and the Princess de Lamballe), they accused her of favoring them too much by permitting them several privileges. Marie Antoinette gave more money to charities then any other queen of France had ever done. Though, all the French saw was a queen that dressed herself in costly outfits (although her spending on clothing was never more than any other queen before her) and decorated her Petit Trainon and Hameau de la Reine. Fact is, the revolution started long before Marie Antoinette came to France. All it needed to ignite it, was someone to blame it all on, and she came to France in 1769. Believe it or not, this it true.

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āˆ™ 15y ago
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āˆ™ 13y ago

No. She never had any power at all; she was a Queen Consort, not a Quee Regnant.

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āˆ™ 15y ago

No, absolutely not.

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āˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, and she was executed.

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In what year did Marie Antoinette die?

Marie Antoinette was beheaded October 16, 1793.

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Maria-theresa of Spain. He treated her with respect, but she was said to have been very dull.

Was Marie Antoinette a serial killer?

No, and the plight of France was not her responsibility She was innocent of any crimes. There was no logical reason to execute Marie Antoinette, she should have been exiled to her home country of Austria. She was not French, nor had any responsibility for French politics.

Did Marie Antoinette have a favorite movie?

No, movies had not been invented when she was alive.

How was Marie Antoinette's life?

As a Queen Marie Antoinette was not well loved, She had a birth defect that could never be corrected or accepted by her loyal subjects. (She had been born an Austrian). She had a happy life despite whisper campaigns that she was an Austrian Spy and worse yet a spendthrift until the revolution. They then killed her husband and then they killed her. The End of her less than perfect but Happy Story.

What food is said to have been invented in Vienna and taken to France by Marie Antoinette?

The Croissant

What would it be like if Marie Antoinette had never lived?

She would of never been a dancer

What is Marie Antoinette's world view?

Marie Antoinette was not a well educated person and her view of the world would have been limited largely to what went on in her immediate surrounding's. she would not have much of a clue about any thing.

When was Marie Antoinette beheaded?

Marie Antoinette was less than a month shy of her 38th birthday when she died.

What is the french king or queen of 2008 called?

French hasn't been a monarchy since 1793 when the French killed their last King, Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. France is a republic and therefore has a president. His name is Nicolas Sarkozy.

Why were Marie Antoinette's peasants starving?

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