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Please note, for some this can be a sensitive subject. Some Christians do not see the harm in reading or watching Harry Potter while others do. The comments below are explain two differing opinions but you should make your own choice.

  • Yes, it's harmless. Just as a child imagines dragons and fairies, it is fictional and does no harm as the magic is not real. Harry Potter is about a lot more than magic which only plays a small part in the series. It teaches a lot about the power of life, of sacrifice, of friendship, love, death and of choosing between the right and easy path and the difference between the two. It shows us that good and evil is only what we make of the life choices presented to us, and that the best kind of leaders are those who have leadership thrust upon them, instead of those who crave for it. If you or your children do choose to read or watch Harry Potter, just ensure they know the difference between real and make believe.
  • The books involve witchcraft. This is against what God has commanded. God tells us to keep our hearts pure and that witchcraft, sorcery and divination is wicked in His eyes. If we read about things like that we are putting them into our hearts and our heads and that is not what we are commanded to do.
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12y ago
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12y ago

I am a Christian, and I don't want anything to do with Harry Potter. Sorcery and witchcraft is a sin. Ask yourself this ~ Would Christ read or watch Harry Potter? Definitely not. So why should you?


I am not a Christian myself, but still a religious person. I don't see why Harry Potter should be worse than the traditional Fairy Tales. Usually, nobody protests against those, on the basis of witchcraft, etc. I would say, just have fun watching them, but try to make it clear - to yourself, or to your children - that it is a fantasy novel. The real danger lies in believing that some of the topics of the books or movies - such as witchcraft - are real. Also, when reading or watching Harry Potter - or any other book or novel - try to think what behavior - of Harry Potter, or of other characters, including the antagonists - would be acceptable for a Christian (or for a religious person in general), and what would not be so.

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12y ago

No because in the book and movie the only "people" that are Christians are blood sucking , half-dead , vampires that haven't been accepted in to heaven yet , so it might be a little offencive , but you can chance it even if the company and or the moive/book might get sued.

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12y ago

Answer: It depends on the person. If you can read the books as a piece of fantasy with some ancient mythology thrown in then do so but if you live in places where it is seen as bad as it has witches and wizards in it and it goes against your beliefs, then don't read them. At the end of the day, it's down to you.

Answer: I think it depends more on whether you enjoy fantasy stories, than on your religious beliefs. In any case, there is nothing inherently evil in the Harry Potter books.

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13y ago

Of Course

Yes, they can. And may. And won't suffer any bad consequence. The same is true for Buddhists.

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