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The outer Oort cloud. (The inner Oort cloud is believed to be disk-shaped.)

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9y ago

It is called the Oort cloud

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14y ago

That's called the Oort cloud.

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Q: Spherical region of comets surronding the solar system-what is it called?
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What object is least likely to have a spherical shape?

Mercury has about the most perfectly spherical shape, but Saturn has the leastspherical shape (next least spherical is Jupiter).

What is the spherical region that surrounds the solar system and extends almost halfway to the nearest star?

The Oort Cloud of comets.

What celestial object come from a Oort cloud?

Comets originate from the Oort cloud, a spherical shell of icy bodies at the outer edges of our solar system. These comets can be perturbed and sent into the inner solar system where they become visible as they approach the Sun.

What are the solar systems comets called?

.... errr - well comets.

How many comets are in the Oort cloud?

It is estimated that there are trillions of comets in the Oort cloud. These comets are believed to be remnants from the early solar system and are located in a spherical region surrounding the solar system at distances ranging from about 2,000 to 100,000 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun.

Beyond the kuiper belt lies a great reservoir of comets called?

the Oort Cloud, which is a spherical shell of icy objects located at the outermost reaches of the solar system. These comets are believed to originate from the early days of the solar system and occasionally get gravitationally nudged towards the inner solar system.

What are the comets called that orbit the sun every 200 years or less?

short period comets

Are comets the same size as planets?

No, comets are generally much smaller than planets. Comets are composed of ice, dust, and rocky materials and can range in size from a few hundred meters to tens of kilometers in diameter. In comparison, planets are much larger celestial bodies that orbit stars and have a defined spherical shape.

Why is the earth spherical in shape while most asteroids and comets are not?

Earth is much more massive than asteroids and comets, and thefore has much stronger gravity, which pulls it into a spherical shape. Most asteroids and comets do not have strong enough gravity to do this.

What are comets sometimes called?


Comets that appear within every 200 years are called comets?

long period comet

What are comets called and why?

Comets are called this because of the ice and dust inside the nucleus. Now go look up everything else on your own.