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printing (printing processes), warfare (gunpowder), and navigation (compass).

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Q: The Silk Road trade brought many advances to Europe from Asia in areas such as?
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How did the crusades help bring great change in Europe?

They brought trade.

How did the spice trade with Europe effect southeast Asia?

brought western ideas.

What type winds brought Europeans back to Europe after trading in America?

The trade winds

What economic effects did the crusades have on Europe?

Crusaders brought back goods increasing trade.

Which winds would Christopher Columbus use to return to Europe?

it is the trade winds that brought Columbus ships to the Caribbean

What three areas of the world were a part of the triangular trade?

The three areas were Africa to America to Europe, which created a triangle

What two areas were not directly connected by land-based trade route?

Europe and Egypt

What were effects of the silk road?

The Silk Road brought trade from China to western Asia and Europe. Chinese arts, science and religion became known in these areas. Going eastward, the Road brought Buddhism from India to China. communication between India and China~ apexvs Spread of buddhism

Why was tradeing so important to Europe?

It brought new products, cultures, traditions, and technology into Europe. Without trade, Europe would have stayed stagnate. It also boosted the economy.

What two major areas of trade are connected by the Mediterranean Sea to Europe?

North Africa and the Middle East.

How did Marco polo's journey to china affect Europe?

it affected uerope by getting them interested in trade wuth China. before then they didn't care about China and all the trade around them