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The Titanic sunk after it collided with an iceberg.

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Q: The Titanic sunk after it hit what?
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What did the Titanic hit when it sunk in 1912?

The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg.

Why is the titanic at the bottom of the ocean?

It hit an iceberg and split in 2 and it sunk.

How the the Titanic sink and why?

It hit a glacier that ripped a huge hole in it and it sunk.

What happened at 1140 while the titanic sunk?

at 11:40 the titanic hit the iceberg at 2:30 sunk but they gathurd every body and had children and women get on the lifeboats

How can you use Titanic in a sentence?

the titanic was sunk by an iceberg the titanic was sunk by an iceberg

Related questions

Who sunk Titanic?

No one sunk the Titanic. It hit an iceberg and sank.

What did the Titanic hit when it sunk in 1912?

The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg.

What happen with the Titanic?

it hit an iceberg and sunk

What was the exact damage to the titanic when it hit iceberg?

It sunk.

What was the name of the ship who hit an iceberg and sunk?


What was the exact times that the Titanic sunk?

the titanic hit the iceburg at around 10.40pm and sunk at around 2.20am in the morning of the 15th of April 1912

What was the maximum angle the Titanic sunk at?

as the titanic sank, the angle it hit highest was 23 degrees

When did the titanic hit the ice burg and sinked?

The Titanic hit the iceburg on April 14th 1912 and sunk on April 15th 1912.

How the the Titanic sink and why?

It hit a glacier that ripped a huge hole in it and it sunk.

Why is the titanic at the bottom of the ocean?

It hit an iceberg and split in 2 and it sunk.

Who sunk the Itanic?

nobody sunk the titanic the titanic just hit an iceberg though the wireless calling didn't send the message to the captain because he thought it was not that important

What happened at 1140 while the titanic sunk?

at 11:40 the titanic hit the iceberg at 2:30 sunk but they gathurd every body and had children and women get on the lifeboats