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Q: The building of the transcontinental railroad helped Canada by what?
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Who provided funding for the transcontinental railroad?

the pacific railroad act helped fund the building of the railroad and it gave the railroad company land.

What happened in 1865 that helped complete the building of the transcontinental railroad?

i dont know please

Who helped with the transcontinental railroad?

The Indians in Kentuckey

What are some effects of the Transcontinental Railroad?

The Transcontinental Railroad helped to connect the East with the West, increased trade between the East and the West, and helped with the growth of the US.

The transcontinental railroad helped settle the what?

The Far West territories

How did the immigrants helped build the transcontinental railroad?

chinese and russin\

What were the Effects of the transcontinental railroad?

== It also helped people from all over the world

What helped connect the east with the west in the 1800s?

The Transcontinental Railroad linked the East to the West.

What role did immigrants play during the building of the transcontinental railroad?

They helped with getting the lumber chopping it then pitting it on the tracks. Also o hold up i farted.

Which statements best describe how the Transcontinental Railroad helped lead to the closing of the western frontiers?

Cities along the railroad expanded and became population centers.

Where did the transcontinental railroads meet?

Promontory Point,Utah. Because it was convenient for both sides of the railroad. I hope this helped you.

What helped make inland transportation and commerce possible in the US?

Building of railroads helped make inland transportation and commerce possible in the US. During the Civil War, work on the railroads came to a halt. After the war, the first transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869.