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Q: The psychologist who believed that people are completely physical beings with their development determined by external stimuli was?
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Who believed people are completely physical beings with their development determined by external stimuli?

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Urie Bronfenbrenner was the psychologist credited with the ecological systems theory of child development. He saw the development of a person as being shapedÊthrough the person's interaction with his environment.ÊÊ

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Gestalt psychologists believed that perception is not simply the sum of individual sensory elements, but rather a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. They focused on studying how people organize visual elements into perceptual wholes.

What development psychologist believed through his study of children that they don't simply know less than adults but actually think differently than adults?

Jean Piaget is the developmental psychologist known for his theory of cognitive development. He believed that children think differently than adults due to their unique cognitive processes and stages of development. Piaget's work emphasized the active role that children play in constructing their understanding of the world.

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Some studies have determined that a diet high in fat will increase the likelihood of cataract formation, while an increase in foods rich in antioxidants will reduce the incidence.

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Piaget believed that children begin to develop cognitively at birth and continue to progress through four stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. These stages are characterized by the child's ability to understand and interact with the world around them in increasingly complex ways.

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During the Elizabethan era it was believed that a person's place in the world was determined by?


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