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Is there road runners in the gobi desert?

Roadrunners are found in warm deserts, unlike the cold Gobi Desert.

What three deserts are along the Silk Road?

The Gobi Desert which is north of the Taklamakan desert

What is a large desert in China?

The two major deserts in China are the Gobi Desert and the Taklamakan Desert. Both occur in northwestern China and the Gobi is on the border with Mongolia. Both are considered as cold winter deserts. The summers can get quite hot but winter temperatures are bitterly cold, sometimes dropping to -40 degrees F.

What geographical obstacles did the silk road avoid?

The Silk Road avoids the Chagatai Khanate, the Gobi Desert, the Himalayas, and the Caspian Sea.

Did the Silk Route pass through western china?

The eastern Silk road passed Luoyang, Chang'an, Dunhuang, Kucha, Kashgar, Taklimakan Desert, Gobi Desert, and the Pamir mountains

What was created to protect traders along the silk road?

In ancient China the Chinese commissioned the construction of imperial outposts on the silk road, these outposts provided protection, supplies and shelter from the adverse weather of the Gobi Desert.

A long barren road that goes through the centre of th North Island?

The Desert Barren (The Desert Road)

Why do you think road markers such as the one in the photograph above were set up in the Gobi Desert?

We cannot see "the photograph above" so we can't give you the right answer.

What effect does the Silk Road have on the rest of the world today?

Virtually no effect except for transport through the Gobi desert, ever since the discovery by other nations in how to produce silk, porcelain and tea the silk road became practically useless, not to mention the rise of sea trade.

Is the desert very calm?

It depends on the desert. I know that the Gobi desert is sometimes not possible to traverse through because of the violent sand storms. During ancient times on the silk road, travelers on foot would have to stop in the middle of their tracks, throw a blanket over their body and lie down in the fetal position on their side for hours to make it alive.

What do the Taklamakan Desert and the Silk Road have in common?

The Silk Road went through the Taklamakan Desert.

When did Negev Desert road ambush happen?

Negev desert road ambush happened on 1956-10-04.