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The Declaration was published in July 1776, but Congress didn't sign it until Aug, 1776. The result of the Declaration was the revolution. King George, at first, thought of the problems in the colonies as minor, but after Bunker Hill he realized it was much greater and worse than he thought.

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Q: Was the Declaration of Independence signed before or after the American Revolution?
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Was it the Declaration of Independence that was signed during the American Revolution?

The Declarations of independence was signed before the American Revolution.

What conflict was there before the Declaration of Independence?

The American Revolution actually began in 1775, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776 in order to justify the reasons for the Revolution.

Who called revolution before the Declaration of Independence was written?

The person who called for a revolution before the declaration of independence was written was John Dickinson.

When was the Declaration of Independence signed before or after the Constitution?

before. DOI signed 1776 Constitution signed 1787

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There were only two battles before the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776. They were the Battle of Lexington and Concord and the first major battle of the American Revolution- the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Was the declaration of indepedence was written before the constitution?

Yes, the Declaration of Independence was a proposal for a revolution, and the constitution was only written after the revolution was completed.

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Why is reading the Declaration of Independence before reading the US Constitution useful?

The declaration of Independence is part of the historical context of the U.S. Constitution.

How did the declaration turn the rebellion into a real revolution?

before the declaration the colonists had the right to rebel against Brittan, but when the declaration was written they had many more rights and much more independence.

Is the American revolution before or after the war of American independence?

Both of these are the American Revolutionary War. There was only one.

This organization was created after the fighting broke out at Lexington and Concord. It managed the early period of the American Revolution and then issued the Declaration of Independence.?

Second Continental Congress