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Wizards of Waverly Place spells

Edgebono Utoostis - the ability to duplicate any object

McReary Time-reary - the ability to rewind time

Take this girl who's a great serving wench and give her back the skills of a bench - the ability to destroy someone's waitressing skills

Take this girl with the skills of a bench and turn her into a great serving wench - the ability to give some good waitressing skills

Commakus Pancakus - the ability to conjure a plate of pancakes

Transportium Nextorbitorium - the ability to teleport to any planet

Some people are a gem, some people are a rat, to know who's who, give me the ear of a bat - the ability to have one's ear transform into a bat ear with super hearing

Some are evil, some are kind, but now all must speak their mind - the ability to force people to speak their thoughts

Animoza Espinoza - the ability to transform a human being into an animal

Huminoza Espinoza - the ability to transform a human being which was previously turned into an animal back into a human

Satisfy my empty belly, make me a peanut butter and jelly - the ability to transform some one into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Although I like such tasty snacks, I'd rather have my brother Max - the ability to transform Max when turned into a sandwich back into a human

I'm old enough to hang with actress/model/spokeswoman Ruby Donahue, so get me into Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2 - the ability to teleport into the movie Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2

Murrieta Animata - the ability to animate any object

Garibay Immobilitay - the ability to unanimate any object that was previously animated

Levitatus Liquidatus - the ability to levitate liquids

We are now small and teeny weeny, take us inside to see the Genie - the ability to teleport into a Genie's lamp

We are not small and teeny weeny, we are done visiting the Genie - the ability to teleport out of a Genie's lamp

Mailius Spontaneous (person's name or place) - the ability to send mail to whoever or wherever instantaneously (only works with portal key)

From your chin to your toes, an elephant trunk grows - the ability to transform a person's nose into an elephant trunk

Scrittipolitty Noquitty - the ability to make someone unable from quitting.

Some are evil, some are kind, but now all must speak their mind'' - the ability to force people to speak their thoughts

Tomnunane Kinesis - grants the ability of telekinesis

Cerebellum Erasus - the ability to erase everyone's memories; affects the spellcaster as well

Cashmerus Appearus - the ability to zap a cashmire sweater on a wizard's body

Cranium Revolvis - the ability to rotate someone's head

Dehidratus Louganus Apus Escapus - the ability to drain a place

Threemetris Movetris - the ability to teleport someone three feet

This (person or thing) is now not, a(n) (object or person) should fill its slot - the ability to transform objects

You haven't acted with any responsibility, say goodbye to your magical ability - the ability to take away a wizard's powers

This Guinea Pig is a Bad Dresser, Turn Him Now Into Our Professor - Turns the guinea pig of Professor Crumbs back into a human

These Guinea Pigs are Small Dumb and Hairy Make Them Human to Find Theresa and Jerry- turns guinea pigs human to find Theresa and Jerry

Gialsjay Timesday - the ability to freeze time (only lasts for "as long as you can hop on one leg")

Murrieta Animata - the ability to animate any object (if the inanimate object develops human emotion, the spell will be permanent)

Murrieta Animata Grande - the ability to animate objects to life-size

(Name and Name) Cambia Coporum, Meum Corpora, Sua Nominavi - the ability to switch bodies (the spell becomes irreversible after sundown)

Frames of figures, step out of your pictures - the ability to bring a picture to life

Pictures of faces, return to your places (place and year) - the ability to return pictures that was previously brought to life

Go Through, Mo Through - the ability to charm an object to move through anything

Literrarium Terrarium - the ability to teleport someone into or out of a book

Bookus Mustardo - a spell that Max made up that turns books into mustard

Havity no Gravity - the ability to defy gravity *Only works if there are two people using the spell on a third person that is defying gravity*

Soap on a rope, soap fell off a rope, rope shot out of my hand, rope tie up that man - the ability to tie up a person

Spandau Ballet, tell me it's true, take this evil man, you know what to do - a spell to make an evil wizard disappear.

Piggly wiggly, get in the jiggly - the ability to encase someone into a block of jello

Piggly wiggly, get out of that jiggly - the ability to evacuate someone out of a block of jello

Lies, lies, I need a disguise or Exactorum Replicorum - the ability to disguise as another object

I can't bear to part with this cab that won't drive, do whatever it needs doing to bring it alive - the ability to bring a cab to life

Rope through Greenwald's, help me now, climb up there and tie a bow - the ability to tie a rope into a bow

Red skies at night, fix it right - Fixes an object it's used on

Ex, ex, extra hand, take a stand, give us a hand - Justin's spell used to bring the Helping Hand alive

Rainon Chainon - the ability to chain people around the user

Def leppard Anamalis - Turns the user into an animal.

Clean it up, wash it, scrub it down, oh no - Cleans everything up perfectly

Before we see this volcano blow, turn this lava into snow - the ability to turn lava into snow

Help me travel on my own, I need to get there through this phone - the ability to travel through a phone

Pound for Pound, you're a clown - the ability to turn someone into a clown

Put on a show, let's let Hugh know what it's like to grow - Turns a room smaller.

Roomius Fixus - Returns a room to its normal size

If Baxter loses his job, it will be a pity, let's have snow over half of New York City - makes it snow over half of New York City

Please don't let Baxter Knight fail, make me some Candied Yam hail - Makes it rain Candied Yam hail.

Hairbrainium Excamchangium - changes hair styles

After all that's been said we want to switch back our heads - Switches voices

Voicus Rightnoisus - Switches back each others' voices

This all has been a pain, now we want to switch back our brains - mixes each others' brains together

Please brain, leave brain - Can separate brains back into each others' heads

Make these troubles no more, go in through the out door - keeps people coming back inside in the same room when he or she leaves.

Alex always wrecks it, make this door an exit - reverses the in through the outdoor spell.

Take away color and sound, this is where revenge is found - turns everything into a silent film

Into thin air send this chair - makes an object disappear

Archery and plumbing is the only way to keep that thief from getting away - creates a toilet plunger that is shot off a bow

When in doubt, inside-out - takes an object out of another object

The weight of this mural is too much to shoulder, so watch me use the eye of the beholder - lets everyone see what they desire.

From down below, this art should show - Brings up art from a subway station

Gunga Galunga - while wearing Merlins hat, grants the wearer a wish

Bags from home, meet me here, take them there, and bring them near - brings luggage(s) to people from home

From East to West, this spell's no jest, wherever we roam, send (name) back home - sends someone to Rome if "home" is said before "rome"

Otherwise sends someone back home

Don't let this garden go to waste, give all this food a lot more taste - grows a giant pumpkin

What I need now is the opposite of clean, make me a girl without hygiene - Turns a girl into a repulsive, dirty, stinky slob.

Let's go visit our new aunt, take us to Paris, Texas - Takes a person to Paris to visit their aunt

Love on the rocks, unpack the box-es - unpacks boxes

Zoobaa zoobaa zoobaa, Hey sister, Go sister, Paris, Texas - takes a person to Paris

Wewww - Uncle Kelbo's spell to teleport him and his fish

We need electricity, and a lot, give me 1.21 gigawatts! - creates a large electric current

Bring Franken Girl back to alive, you're Alex's BFF, and that's no jive - brings back Franken Girl and makes Franken Girl best friends with Alex

Alex doesn't think Cheerleading's cool, make Franken Girl a cheerleading fool - makes Franken Girl love cheerleading

Hair all frizzy, don't have a tizzy, thin lizzy! - makes people thin

My inner thoughts of right and wrong, Come out come out where you belong! - brings people's consience out, but he or she is supposed to stand in front of a mirror, then his or her reflection will become his or her conscience

Hot monsters in the city, running wild what a pity! - releases monsters into someone's city ("Hot monsters in the city...running wild and..." refers to a nick gilder song from the 1980's)

Leg'n'fita runamita! or Grow legs and go away - gives something legs and makes it run away

Train in vain, go to Spain! - causes a train to go to Spain

Liar, liar, pants on fire - The ability to set pants on fire

I'm rubber, you're glue; take her smell and put it on you - switches clothes and smell

Markers markers, go away, hey - the ability to make markers go away

Please please, tell me now, is there something I should know, Duranium, Duranium - shows something people "might want to know" in a picture frame

Scrubby dubby, into the tubby - turns someone into a washing machine

Argile bobby, tube knee high, into socks, turn this guy - turns someone into a pair of socks

Shrinka dink, shrinka dank, shrinka dunk - makes certain objects shrink. This spell also makes Alex turn back big.

Gnip Gnop, Hippity Hop, run 26.2 miles, then stop - makes people run a marathon and finish in first place

Posters posters on the wall, now it's time to tell us all. - make posters able to talk.

Posters posters that didn't squeal at all, zip it up, stay on this wall. - stops the talking posters.

A full wizard there can be but one, all power to a daughter or son, to an ancient battle transport us three where one will emerge in victory - Transports Justin, Alex and Jerry to the tournament grounds to partake in the Premature Wizard Tournament

A party I must attend, on that we can't agree, but for a refreshing change, today you'll side with me - Gets someone to agree with the user for six hours

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13y ago

"Pictures and Faces go Back to your Places"

"Go Through Mo Through"

"Stop all the racket, I'll wear a jacket."

"Crainium Revolist"

"Cambia Coporum Meum Corpora Sua Nominavi"

"Although I like such tasty snacks, I'd rather have my brother Max"

"human Animoza Espinoza"

"Because you have acted with no responsibility, say goodbye to your magical ability The ability"

"Cashmerus Appearus"

If you need anymore here's a link:


Wizards of Waverly Place spells

Edgebono Utoostis - the ability to duplicate any object

McReary Time-reary - the ability to rewind time

Take this girl who's a great serving wench and give her back the skills of a bench - the ability to destroy someone's waitressing skills

Take this girl with the skills of a bench and turn her into a great serving wench - the ability to give some good waitressing skills

Commakus Pancakus - the ability to conjure a plate of pancakes

Transportium Nextorbitorium - the ability to teleport to any planet

Some people are a gem, some people are a rat, to know who's who, give me the ear of a bat - the ability to have one's ear transform into a bat ear with super hearing

Some are evil, some are kind, but now all must speak their mind - the ability to force people to speak their thoughts

Animoza Espinoza - the ability to transform a human being into an animal

Huminoza Espinoza - the ability to transform a human being which was previously turned into an animal back into a human

Satisfy my empty belly, make me a peanut butter and jelly - the ability to transform some one into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Although I like such tasty snacks, I'd rather have my brother Max - the ability to transform Max when turned into a sandwich back into a human

I'm old enough to hang with actress/model/spokeswoman Ruby Donahue, so get me into Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2 - the ability to teleport into the movie Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2

Murrieta Animata - the ability to animate any object

Garibay Immobilitay - the ability to unanimate any object that was previously animated

Levitatus Liquidatus - the ability to levitate liquids

We are now small and teeny weeny, take us inside to see the Genie - the ability to teleport into a Genie's lamp

We are not small and teeny weeny, we are done visiting the Genie - the ability to teleport out of a Genie's lamp

Mailius Spontaneous (person's name or place) - the ability to send mail to whoever or wherever instantaneously (only works with portal key)

From your chin to your toes, an elephant trunk grows - the ability to transform a person's nose into an elephant trunk

Scrittipolitty Noquitty - the ability to make someone unable from quitting.

Some are evil, some are kind, but now all must speak their mind'' - the ability to force people to speak their thoughts

Tomnunane Kinesis - grants the ability of telekinesis

Cerebellum Erasus - the ability to erase everyone's memories; affects the spellcaster as well

Cashmerus Appearus - the ability to zap a cashmire sweater on a wizard's body

Cranium Revolvis - the ability to rotate someone's head

Dehidratus Louganus Apus Escapus - the ability to drain a place

Threemetris Movetris - the ability to teleport someone three feet

This (person or thing) is now not, a(n) (object or person) should fill its slot - the ability to transform objects

You haven't acted with any responsibility, say goodbye to your magical ability - the ability to take away a wizard's powers

This Guinea Pig is a Bad Dresser, Turn Him Now Into Our Professor - Turns the guinea pig of Professor Crumbs back into a human

These Guinea Pigs are Small Dumb and Hairy Make Them Human to Find Theresa and Jerry- turns guinea pigs human to find Theresa and Jerry

Gialsjay Timesday - the ability to freeze time (only lasts for "as long as you can hop on one leg")

Murrieta Animata - the ability to animate any object (if the inanimate object develops human emotion, the spell will be permanent)

Murrieta Animata Grande - the ability to animate objects to life-size

(Name and Name) Cambia Coporum, Meum Corpora, Sua Nominavi - the ability to switch bodies (the spell becomes irreversible after sundown)

Frames of figures, step out of your pictures - the ability to bring a picture to life

Pictures of faces, return to your places (place and year) - the ability to return pictures that was previously brought to life

Go Through, Mo Through - the ability to charm an object to move through anything

Literrarium Terrarium - the ability to teleport someone into or out of a book

Bookus Mustardo - a spell that Max made up that turns books into mustard

Havity no Gravity - the ability to defy gravity *Only works if there are two people using the spell on a third person that is defying gravity*

Soap on a rope, soap fell off a rope, rope shot out of my hand, rope tie up that man - the ability to tie up a person

Spandau Ballet, tell me it's true, take this evil man, you know what to do - a spell to make an evil wizard disappear.

Piggly wiggly, get in the jiggly - the ability to encase someone into a block of jello

Piggly wiggly, get out of that jiggly - the ability to evacuate someone out of a block of jello

Lies, lies, I need a disguise or Exactorum Replicorum - the ability to disguise as another object

I can't bear to part with this cab that won't drive, do whatever it needs doing to bring it alive - the ability to bring a cab to life

Rope through Greenwald's, help me now, climb up there and tie a bow - the ability to tie a rope into a bow

Red skies at night, fix it right - Fixes an object it's used on

Ex, ex, extra hand, take a stand, give us a hand - Justin's spell used to bring the Helping Hand alive

Rainon Chainon - the ability to chain people around the user

Def leppard Anamalis - Turns the user into an animal.

Clean it up, wash it, scrub it down, oh no - Cleans everything up perfectly

Before we see this volcano blow, turn this lava into snow - the ability to turn lava into snow

Help me travel on my own, I need to get there through this phone - the ability to travel through a phone

Pound for Pound, you're a clown - the ability to turn someone into a clown

Put on a show, let's let Hugh know what it's like to grow - Turns a room smaller.

Roomius Fixus - Returns a room to its normal size

If Baxter loses his job, it will be a pity, let's have snow over half of New York City - makes it snow over half of New York City

Please don't let Baxter Knight fail, make me some Candied Yam hail - Makes it rain Candied Yam hail.

Hairbrainium Excamchangium - changes hair styles

After all that's been said we want to switch back our heads - Switches voices

Voicus Rightnoisus - Switches back each others' voices

This all has been a pain, now we want to switch back our brains - mixes each others' brains together

Please brain, leave brain - Can separate brains back into each others' heads

Make these troubles no more, go in through the out door - keeps people coming back inside in the same room when he or she leaves.

Alex always wrecks it, make this door an exit - reverses the in through the outdoor spell.

Take away color and sound, this is where revenge is found - turns everything into a silent film

Into thin air send this chair - makes an object disappear

Archery and Plumbing is the only way to keep that thief from getting away - creates a toilet plunger that is shot off a bow

When in doubt, inside-out - takes an object out of another object

The weight of this mural is too much to shoulder, so watch me use the eye of the beholder - lets everyone see what they desire.

From down below, this art should show - Brings up art from a subway station

Gunga Galunga - while wearing Merlins hat, grants the wearer a wish

Bags from home, meet me here, take them there, and bring them near - brings luggage(s) to people from home

From East to West, this spell's no jest, wherever we roam, send (name) back home - sends someone to Rome if "home" is said before "rome"

Otherwise sends someone back home

Don't let this garden go to waste, give all this food a lot more taste - grows a giant pumpkin

What I need now is the opposite of clean, make me a girl without hygiene - Turns a girl into a repulsive, dirty, stinky slob.

Let's go visit our new aunt, take us to Paris, Texas - Takes a person to Paris to visit their aunt

Love on the rocks, unpack the box-es - unpacks boxes

Zoobaa zoobaa zoobaa, Hey sister, Go sister, Paris, Texas - takes a person to Paris

Wewww - Uncle Kelbo's spell to teleport him and his fish

We need electricity, and a lot, give me 1.21 gigawatts! - creates a large electric current

Bring Franken Girl back to alive, you're Alex's BFF, and that's no jive - brings back Franken Girl and makes Franken Girl best friends with Alex

Alex doesn't think cheerleading's cool, make Franken Girl a cheerleading fool - makes Franken Girl love cheerleading

Hair all frizzy, don't have a tizzy, thin lizzy! - makes people thin

My inner thoughts of right and wrong, Come out come out where you belong! - brings people's consience out, but he or she is supposed to stand in front of a mirror, then his or her reflection will become his or her conscience

Hot monsters in the city, running wild what a pity! - releases monsters into someone's city ("Hot monsters in the city...running wild and..." refers to a nick gilder song from the 1980's)

Leg'n'fita runamita! or Grow legs and go away - gives something legs and makes it run away

Train in vain, go to Spain! - causes a train to go to Spain

Liar, liar, pants on fire - The ability to set pants on fire

I'm rubber, you're glue; take her smell and put it on you - switches clothes and smell

Markers markers, go away, hey - the ability to make markers go away

Please please, tell me now, is there something I should know, Duranium, Duranium - shows something people "might want to know" in a picture frame

Scrubby dubby, into the tubby - turns someone into a washing machine

Argile bobby, tube knee high, into socks, turn this guy - turns someone into a pair of socks

Shrinka dink, shrinka dank, shrinka dunk - makes certain objects shrink. This spell also makes Alex turn back big.

Gnip Gnop, Hippity Hop, run 26.2 miles, then stop - makes people run a marathon and finish in first place

Posters posters on the wall, now it's time to tell us all. - make posters able to talk.

Posters posters that didn't squeal at all, zip it up, stay on this wall. - stops the talking posters.

A full wizard there can be but one, all power to a daughter or son, to an ancient battle transport us three where one will emerge in victory - Transports Justin, Alex and Jerry to the tournament grounds to partake in the Premature Wizard Tournament

A party I must attend, on that we can't agree, but for a refreshing change, today you'll side with me - Gets someone to agree with the user for six hours

Sayvus-yer-buttickus - A charm put on couches so that wizards would fall on them when practicing levitation spells

Kelargo, Kewest Kechain - turns somthing into a keychain

without wands or clokes you all turn into slowpokes - turns everyone around the caster into slowpokes

This That Copy Cat - Makes something/someone copy the caster

Transformius Skateboardius - Puts one onto skateboards

Transportium Nextorbitorium - Teleports one to any planet

stop these cries turn these girls into older guys - turns girls into old men

Threemetris Movetris - Teleports object or people 10 feet away Lies, Lies, I need a disguise - gives you an disguise

fruity butooty - turns people into talking fruit

Take away all meat and add some snazz, turn this noise into smooth jazz - Turns Rock Music into smooth jazz.

Top-Haticus Lop-Earitus - Used to perfrorm the "rabbit in a hat" trick

Send away parents who laugh and play, make them younger by just a day - Ability to make your parents young

Spandau Ballet tell me it's true, take this evil man, you know what to do - Stops someone from doing something evil

Rearly, Dearly, Repair this Fastly - Repairs a Thing

No this, No that, No Copy Cat - A Counter spell to This that Copy Cat.

Jolovitz Rid-of-zitz - The ability to rid of acne

when revelting melting - melt an item

Zippitus-yer-Trapatus - Shuts one up

Bipity Bopity Boo (name/object) - flashes an object or person where they want it to go

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14y ago

Spells: Epi. 1 Edgebono Utoostis - the ability to duplicate any object
Epi. 2 McReary TimeReary - the ability to rewind time
Epi. 3 No spells were used
Ep. 4 Take this girl with the skills of a bench and turn her into a serving wench - the ability to improve someone's waitressing skills
Take this girl who's a great serving wench and give her back the skills of a bench - the ability to destroy someone's waitressing skills
Epi. 5 Stop all the racket, I'll wear a jacket - the ability to zap a jacket onto a wizard's body
Carmakus Pancakus - the ability to conjure a plate of pancakes
Transportium Nextorbitorium - the ability to teleport to any planet
Epi. 6 No spells were used
Epi. 7 Some people are a gem, some people are a rat, to know who's who, give me the ear of a bat - the ability to have one's ear transform into a bat's ear
Some are evil, some are kind, but now all must speak their mind - the ability to force people to speak their thoughts
Epi. 8 Animoza Espinoza or Def Leppard Anamalis - the ability to transform a human being into a animal
Huminoza Espinoza - the ability to transform a human being which was previously turned into an animal back into a human
Epi. 9 Satisfy my empty belly, make me a peanut butter and jelly - the ability to transform some one into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Although I like such tasty snacks, I'd rather have my brother Max - the ability to transform Max when turned into a sandwich back into a human
I'm old enough to hang with actress/model/spokeswoman Ruby Donahue, so get me into Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2 - the ability to teleport into the movie Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2
We've had enough of all this fear, so hurry up and get us out of here - the ability to teleport to the basement of the movie Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2
I'm scared of what might happen next, so take us to the mondoplex - the ability to teleport to the Mondoplex
Epi. 10 Murrieta Animata - the ability to animate any object
Garibay Immobilitay - the ability to unanimate any object that was previously animated
Epi. 11 Levitatus Liquidatus - the ability to levitate liquids
Epi. 12 We are not small and teeny weeny, take us inside to see the Genie - the ability to teleport into a Genie's lamp
We are now small and teeny weeny, we are done visiting the Genie - the ability to teleport out of a Genie's lamp
Epi. 13 Mailius Spontaneous (person's name or place) - the ability to send mail to whoever or wherever instantaneously (only works with portal key)
From your chin to your toes, an elephant trunk grows - the ability to transform a person's nose into an elephant trunk
Epi. 14 Scrittipolitty Noquitty - the ability to make someone unable from quitting. Some are evil, some are kind, but now all must speak their mind'' - the ability to force people to speak their thoughts
Epi. 15 Tomnunane Kinesis - the ability to move objects
Cerebellum Erasus - the ability to erase someone's memory
Epi. 16 Cashmerus Appearus - the ability to zap a cashmire sweater on a wizard's body
Cranium Revolvis - the ability to rotate someone's head
Dehidratus Louganus Apus Escapus - the ability to drain a place
Threemetris Movetris - the ability to teleport someone ten feet
I'm a big knuckle head - Does nothing
Epi. 17 This (person or thing) is now not, a(n) (object or person) should fill its slot - the ability to transform objects
You haven't acted with any responsibility, say goodbye to your magical ability - the ability to take away a wizard's powers
This Guinea Pig is a Bad Dresser, Turn Him Now Into Our Prefessor - Turns the guinea pig of Prefesser Crumbs back into a human
Epi. 18 Gialsjay Timesday - the ability to freeze time (only lasts for as long as you can hop on one leg)
Epi. 19 Murrieta Animata - the ability to animate any object
Murrieta Animata Grande - the ability to animate objects to life-size
Epi. 20 (Name and Name) Cambia Coporum, Meum Corpora, Sua Nominavi - the ability to switch bodies (the spell becomes irreversible after sundown)
Epi. 21 Frames of figures, step out of your pictures - the ability to bring a picture to life
Pictures of faces, return to your places (place and year) - the ability to return pictures that was previously brought to life
Go Through, Mo Through - the ability to charm an object to move through anything
That is all the spells in the first season

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13y ago

"Pictures and Faces go Back to your Places"

"Go Through Mo Through"

"Stop all the racket, I'll wear a jacket."

"Crainium Revolist"

"Cambia Coporum Meum Corpora Sua Nominavi"

"Although I like such tasty snacks, I'd rather have my brother Max"

"human Animoza Espinoza"

"Because you have acted with no responsibility, say goodbye to your magical ability"

"Cashmerus Appearus"

"Literarium Turarium"

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12y ago

I won't tell you them all, but if you go on Google and type 'wizards of Waverly place spells' you can probably find them there. Or, you can write them Dow after every episode you see and save them in a journal or something.

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12y ago

Well there are a lot of spells in Wizards of Waverly Place to list but you can go to then type in list of Wizards of Waverly Place episodes then click on the one with the link to Wikipedia. Then the website will show you a list of Wizards of Waverly Place (WOWP) with all the spells used in each and every episode of WOWP. I can't seem to find list of spells with the effects. I am really sorry.

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13y ago

Wikipedia has all the spells from each episode.

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13y ago
  • Piggly wiggly, get out of that jiggly - take someone out of a block of Gelatin
  • Pillow for Feet Spell
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no. its all about three people who are brothers and has a sister who are wizards that are in a copetition.

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No, there will be no 2nd Wizards of Waverly Place movie however Wizards of Waverly Place did film a new TV special which is titled "The Wizards Return: Alex vs Alex." All main cast members return except for David Henrie, the actor that plays Justin.

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on Disney

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I don't really fancy him i just think he is funny in Wizards of Waverly Place. I wouldn't go out with him or anything i like boys who are funny like him but he is a bit of a geek in Wizards of Waverly Place with all his action figures and does everythin right.

What are the release dates for Wizards of Waverly Place - 2007 All About You-Niverse 3-24?

Wizards of Waverly Place - 2007 All About You-Niverse 3-24 was released on: USA: 20 August 2010

What are the ratings and certificates for Wizards of Waverly Place - 2007 All About You-Niverse 3-24?

Wizards of Waverly Place - 2007 All About You-Niverse 3-24 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-G