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Wild cucumber


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Q: What are dangerous plants in the savanna?
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Can plants be the producers of the savanna?

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Are there any dangerous elements in traveling to savanna viomes?

yea there are

What kind of plants live in prairies and savanna?


What do savanna have?

i think that savannas have trees and they have big plants

Are there producers consumers predators and scavengers in the Savanna and who are they?

all I know is that there are lots of plants in the savanna and also lots of animals!

What are tropical savanna native plants and their adaptation?

They consist of weeds,and desert plants and tittys

What does the savanna not have?

A savanna does not have much insect pollinated plants e.g. colorful and scented flowers. Most of the time there are no flowers at all so don't be looking in the savanna for a bouquet.

African savanna plants?

Some of the African savanna plants include Senegal Gum Acacia, the Maketti tree, and the Umbrella Thorn Acacia. Other plants found there are the abal and the raisin bush shrub.

What kind of plants live in the savanna?


What is endangered in the savanna?

elephants for teeth and some plants for some farming

What plants live in the savanna grasslands?

Trees and Bushes haha wow