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what it eats , what eats it , where it lives, and how it lives

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Q: What are four things that a niche includes?
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What is niche picking?

Niche picking means that we tend to do things we are naturally good at or enjoy

What is an example of an animal with a broad niche?

A niche describes how an animal fits into their environment. This includes where it is on the food chain, where it lives, and how it behaves.A niche describes how an animal fits into their environment. This includes where it is on the food chain, where it lives, and how it behaves.

What does a female dog's niche includes?


What is niche in an community?

A niche is a particular place for things. Each person fills a particular niche in society and in their workplace. A niche can also be a shelf like opening in a wall or solid surface.

What is the definition for niche?

A niche is an organism's function in its environment. This includes the food it consumes, its symbiotic relationships, etc.

What 3 things make up a niche?

spatial or habitat niche, trophic niche, and hyper volume or multidimensional niche.

What is a coyotes niche in the community?

to eat other things

What are 3 examples of aprairie dogs niche?

A niche is everything that an animal needs in the environment to survive. The niche of a prairie dog includes burrows, grassland, and dome craters for observation.

What are the four parts of niche?

Where it lives, what it eats, what eats it, and how it affects the environment

Does a generalist have a broad niche or a narrow niche?

General or broad niche live almost anywhere & eat almost anything. Specific niche live in one place and only eat certain things. Hoped this helped :)

What is the niche of an urban mouse?

An urban mouse doesn't have a niche. It's non living. Only living things have niches.

What is the niche of the lion?

the niche of a lion would be predator or a carnivore,what it does is it kills to eat and it can some times decomepose dead things if its hungry