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Q: What are some crisis that johnny cade have done?
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How does johnny cade want peace?

because he want some thing..

What are some quotes from 'The Outsiders' from johnny cade?

"Stay gold ponyboy, stay gold."

Who were some of johnny cade's closest friends from the outsiders?

Ponyboy Curtis and Dallas [Dally] Winston.

What are some personality traits johnny cade had in the ousiders?

Timid, good-hearted, shy, nervous, scared

What are some quotes from The Outsiders?

"Stay gold,Pony,Stay gold" -johnny cade's last words "Sixteen years on the streets and you see a lot. But all the wrong sights, not he sights you want to see

What are some quotes that Johnny Cade said in the book?

Here are a few quotes from Johnny Cade in the book "The Outsiders": "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold." "Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not the things you want to learn." "I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me."

In The Outsiders who dies?

Bob Sheldon (one of the Soc's) is stabbed by Johnny Cade and dies; after Bob and some of his friends try to drown Pony Boy in the fountain in the park. Later in the movie Johnny is critically injured in a building fire and eventually dies in the hospital. Dallas Winston also gets shot and dies shortly after Johnny's death.

What is the names of all the greasers in the book the outsiders?

The Greaser's names are: Ponyboy Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Darrel (Darry) Curtis, Dallas (Dally) Winston, Johnny Cade, Keith (Two-Bit) Mathews, and Steve Randall. By the way I love this book and the movie. RIP Johnny and Dally! Johnny will always be gold! it is some boys who are poor and live in the east side and they have long and greasy hair

What are some personal characteristics of Johnny Cade in the book called The Outsiders?

Johnny Cade is a 16 year old, dark skinned greaser. Johnny has always been quiet, the loved one of the group. The one who make everyone--even Dallas Winston--smile. He is kind-hearted and wants there to be peace between the greasers and socs. (Which does Randy, a soc, Bob's bestfriend. In the book That Was Then, This Is Now, Randy appears as a hippie, which makes since, because he felt guilty for the class divisions due to Bob's death.)You've just been answered by SM:)E

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