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The four most well known lakes in Canada are situated in Jasper National Park: the Maligne Lake, Lake Medicine, Lake Edith and Lake Annette. good luck!

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Q: What are the four most know lakes in Canada?
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What country has the most lakes?


What country has the most fresh water in the lakes and rivers?

Canada has more lakes and rivers than any country in the entire world. There are over 3 million lakes in Canada.

Where are most great lakes located?

in US Border of Canada

Why are the lakes that lie between us and Canada so important?

The lakes that separate the United States of America and Canada is actually called the "great lakes". There are not these lakes across the whole border of Canada, because most of them are more to the east. If you have noticed, if you put all the great lakes together, they spell "HOME".

What is the most important Canadian shipping route?

the four lakes

Which nation has the most fresh water?

Canada has the most fresh water in the world . It is mostly in the lakes that we have.

What county has more lakes than the rest of the world combined?

There are only four counties in Minnesota with no natural lakes: Mower, Olmsted, Pipestone, and Rock. Otter Tail County has 1,048 lakes, which is the most lakes of any county in the United States. We always say the Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes; however, there are actually 11,842 lakes in Minnesota that are larger than 10 acres!

What are the facts about great lakes?

The Great Lakes IS The Most Important Part Of United States

Where is most freshwater found in Canada?

Most of the freshwater in the US is the Great Lakes.

Most warships were removed from the great lakes through an agreement between the US and?


Are there lakes in canada?

Of course they do, The great lakes are in Canada. All around canada you can go just outside of most cities and you'll see signs for campsites and about 7/10 times they have a lake in or nearby it.Yes! Canada has an extremely large number of lakes. There are too many for me to list, but you can see them here:

How many lakes are their in the world?

ah, thats alot to count. look it up on google, cause i have no idea Country with the most lakes - Finland Country with the largest lakes - Canada