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Is a quiet and shy boy.

He is also defiant, because he refused to sell chocolates for trinity.

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Q: What are traits for Jerry Renault in the Chocolate War?
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Was Jerry Renault a main character in Beyond the Chocolate War?

no he wasent

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The Chocolate War and Beyond the Chocolate War

How does Jerry Renault in the chocolate war differ from other characters?

Jerry Renault in "The Chocolate War" differs from other characters by his individuality and willingness to challenge authority. He refuses to conform to the pressures of the school and stands up for what he believes in, even if it means facing consequences. While other characters may shy away from conflict, Jerry is unafraid to confront the injustices he sees.

Who are the characters from the novel Beyond the Chocolate War?

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Who are Jerry's friend in the chocolate war?

His name is Roland Goubert.

How did jerry's mother die in the chocolate war?

In the book "The Chocolate War" by Robert Cormier, Jerry's mother died from a long battle with cancer. Her passing deeply affected Jerry and contributed to his feelings of isolation and emotional struggle.

Beyond The Chocolate War Plot Summary?

"Beyond The Chocolate War" is a young adult novel that continues the story of Jerry Renault as he navigates the aftermath of the violent events at Trinity High School. The novel delves into themes of power, conformity, and rebellion as Jerry grapples with the consequences of his actions. It also explores the dark underbelly of teen social dynamics and the pressures to conform to societal norms.

What page is his gym sneakers in chocolate war?

Type your answer here... what dose jerry find shredded in his locker what page is it chocolate war

What does Jerry find in his locker shredded in the book the chocolate war?

Jerry finds a picture of his deceased mother shredded in his locker in the book "The Chocolate War." This event contributes to Jerry's sense of isolation and suffering throughout the story.

Symbols for the chocolate war?

I was wondering if there was any symbols for the book called The Choclate War? 3 Symbols for The Chocolate War are Chocolates Jerry's poster the Black Box Hope that helped you some

Why did Jerry refuse to take part in the chocolate sale in the book Chocolate War by Robert Cormier?

he didnt really care for the people running it, he was rebeling, it wasnt important to him, and he had a stubborn moment which he stuck to

What types of physical or mental abuse do the vigils commit against Jerry in The Chocolate War?

In "The Chocolate War," the vigils subject Jerry to physical abuse by forcing him to endure a series of brutal boxing matches. They also subject him to mental abuse by manipulating him through psychological games and intimidation tactics, ultimately aiming to break his spirit and assert their dominance over him.