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Pressure is much lower at the top of Mount Everest. PV=nRT. If pressure, P, goes down, then T, temperature, goes down. More temperature must be added.

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Q: What cause the temperature of the boiling point at the top of mount Everest different from the boiling point of pure water?
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No. A large mass of water will have the same boiling point as a smaller mass of water. Differences in pressure, however, will cause differences in boiling point. - - - - - It takes longer to boil a large amount of water than a small amount because it takes longer to heat it up.

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This can be done by exposing a solid to a temperature significantly higher than the boiling point. The intense heat will cause a rapid acceleration of temperature, which depending on the solid may cause it to explode.

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Boiling preserves food by killing harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can cause spoilage or illness. The high temperature of boiling water destroys these pathogens and enzymes that could cause the food to deteriorate. Additionally, boiling can remove excess moisture from food, preventing the growth of bacteria and the subsequent spoilage.

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it has a very low boiling point which is affected by its bonding

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they are the same cause they are both changeing water or ice to a gas

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they are the same cause they are both changeing water or ice to a gas

How evaporation and boiling are similar how are they different?

they are the same cause they are both changeing water or ice to a gas

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Boiling point of gasolineThe boiling point of gasoline varies. At atmospheric pressure, it's between 100 and 400 degrees F. A primary cause of this variance is the various additives in the gasoline from different refiners designed to meet different octane requirements.