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Potlatch, cry

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Q: What ceremonies did the Chinook indians have?
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How many ceremonies do the Chinook Indians have in 1 year?


What did the Chinook do for the ceremonies?


What ceremonies did the Chinook Indians celebrate?

they had cry ceremonies i believe and they would tie a knot in a peice of milkweed for each day of the ceremony. the ceremony lasted 5 days.

What did the Chinook tribe do for ceremonies?


What did the Chinook make with cedar?

The Chinook Indians made hollowed out canoes from cedar logs and also built their rectangular houses. To this day they still make buildings out of cedar but these buildings are mostly for ceremonies now.

How do Chinook Indians harm are environment?

Chinook Indians do not harm the environment.

Do the Chinook Indians fish in canoes?

The Chinook Indians use hollowed out log canoe.

What special ocasions did Chinook Indians have?

The birth of a child; when a boy or girl became a man or a woman, naming ceremonies, first salmon ceremony, marriages, potlatches.

What traditions did Chinook tribe had?

There are First Salmon Ceremonies to honor the fish runs. There are ceremonies to give people names, with a potlatch to follow. There are ceremonies when a baby becomes one year old and ceremonies when a girl becomes a woman.

What arts and crafts did the Chinook indians make?

The Chinook Indians were great wood carvers. Their projects or crafts were built of wood. The Chinook Indians are original people of the Pacific Northwest Coast.

What houses did the Chinook Indians live in?

Chinook Indians lived in long houses made of cedar boards.

How did the Chinook Indians take a shower?

Before modern times Chinook Indians bathed daily in a river.