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it be mostly the upper class men

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Q: What class was most affected by The Enlightenment aka The Age of Reason?
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What statement describes the thinking of the Enlightenment?

the power of reason is the most important.

Which was the most important concept of the enlightnent?

The most important concepts of the enlightenment were the use of reason, science, and progress.

Which class of people was most affected by the black plague?

the Asia

Which group most strongly embraced the ideas and principles of the enlightenment?

The bourgeoisie, who were wealthy enough to have had a good education, were likely to be the people who embraced Enlightenment principles. In the case of the French, the middle class was also the group that stood to gain the most from Enlightenment principles, since they were the ones who bore the heaviest tax burden.

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It has affected most of the US during tragedy. But for some reason, it's declining (Christianity). It needs to increase.

Which of these statemnts would most likely be made by an enlightenment thinker?

Logic and Reason should be used to solve social problems

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it was also referred to as the "Soak the Rich" act, so im guessing it affected the poor/lower class.

Which group strongly embraced the ideas and principles of the enlightenment?

The bourgeoisie, who were wealthy enough to have had a good education, were likely to be the people who embraced Enlightenment principles. In the case of the French, the middle class was also the group that stood to gain the most from Enlightenment principles, since they were the ones who bore the heaviest tax burden.

What social class was the most greatly affected by pharaoh Cleopatra?

The Greek elite of Alexandria was the social class most affected by Cleopatra's regime. Some of them prospered greatly under her friendship while others were ruined financially and some even executed. The priestly class benefited also, as Cleopatra tended to use them to keep the commoners calm.

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