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also Equatorial Guinea

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Northwest Africa

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Q: What country in Africa did the British not take over?
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What country did France take over?

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How did British take over south Africa?

The Boer Wars and the Anglo Zulu Wars.

When did the british take over isle of man?

They didn't. ^^ The IOM is a country in it's own right. It is part of the British Isles, but they never took over it.

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What countries did the Normans take over?

Normans took over France and the British Isles, but also took over parts of Italy, Northern Africa, and the Middle East.

How did Africa become part of the British Empire?

By conquests from several European nations. The European nations had many firearms, and Africa and India did not have that many at all compared to the Europeans. This caused conquests and how India and Africa became part of the British Empire

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they took over India because they knew the Indians were having civil war in there own country so the british took this as a advantage. I hope this helps you.=]

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The British took over in 1747.

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Joan was protesting the British who were trying to take over her home country of France as well as the fact that the British had ousted the legitimate monarchy of France.

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The British never took over the US.

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