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Q: What defense mechanism are used in a beautiful mind?
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Freud used the term, "Defense Mechanism" to put a label on the mind protecting itself from stress.

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Skunks use their spray as a defense mechanism when trapped or pursued

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They have wings so they can have flight. Their wings can also be used as a defense mechanism by being used as a shield or barrier.

What do birds use their cere for?

The cere is the bird's beak. It is used as a feeding device for the bird and as a defense mechanism.

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Stinging is the self defense mechanism and can be used against any attacking animal.

How can you use defense in a sentence?

Jacob was truly shy and used his class clown image as a defense mechanism to protect himself from forming deep friendships.

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The game is called Go.

Does a small mouth bass have a nucleus?

Yes. It also has a pocket of a toxic substance in its gills and spiderlike legs used as a defense mechanism.

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Certain moths have the ability to excrete stinky liquid when threatened. This is used as a defense mechanism for the animal.

Why do you have nuclear weapons?

Some of the countries have nuclear weapons because they use them as a defense mechanism. The nuclear weapons are intended to be used whenever there is a war.