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Q: What describes what slaves were doing when they resisted slavery?
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Why slaves couldn't get married?

Slaves DID get married- but since a slave was property, the marriage could be broken, and the family members separated by the owner.

What were the similarities and differences in the economy and society during the 1800s include labor systems products growth and social relations gender and race?

the north during the 1800s was more advanced, had more factories and railroads. the south wanted slavery and was dependent on slaves and cotton Actually the south wasn't dependant on slaves, only about 5-7% even had slaves in the south, and that same percent were even rich enough to have them, the rest had small farms that didn't make much money. The north indeed had slaves, but they were immigrants from Europe i.e. Irish, poor English etc... the north was overall richer than the south and they had factories and other businesses where the south rarely had any, the south did have African-Americans doing labor, but were paid a small amount a day, the rich folks had actual slaves.

What was Spain doing in Africa?

Primarily, Spain was colonizing (such as Morocco and the Equatorial Guinea), but it was also involved in the transportation of African slaves to the Americas.

Did slaves keep their real names?

Most U.S. slaves had last name. They were usually given to them by their owners. The last names were usually associated with the type of work they did. For example slaves who picked cotton, might be given the surname Cotton.

What was the relationship between the blues and slavery?

Effectively, the slave trade created the genre "Blues" music. In order to fully understand the Blues, we must return to the time of slavery in the United States. Out of 35-40 million Africans to be tricked, trapped and captured onto slave ships, only an estimated 15 million actually made it to America. Their own African heritage was stripped from them, or it withered away on its own. It's undeniable that their religions were suppressed and replaced by Christianity. Slavery was a nightmare come true. Yet the slaves played and sang music which later influenced music all over the world. From the music of slaves cam blues and jazz. Through the fields you could hear long, drawn out moaning going on, but the slave owners didn't see much harm in it so they let it continue. After the work day was over, slaves would get together and sing out affirmations, pledges and prayers that they eventually lengthened out with repetitive choruses. At first, they accompany their vocals with hand made drums, but slave owners soon grew worrisome that this may be some sort of signal being made from one set of slaves to another that would ultimately lead to a revolt so the use of drums was abolished. The songs, however, remained a reflection of the infinite sadness and despair of an oppressed people. Picking cotton and labouring on the railroads became two of the most important themes in the blues. The slave songs evolved to reflect the toil and pain of the slavery. From these slaves came the children who grew up to become the great early blues singers and musicians. Hope this helps.

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What According to James Henley Thornwell what were slaves doing when they obeyed their masters?

They were doing God's will.

What allow people in new states to decide if they would allow slavery or not?

because some people wanted to get the slaves and get what they want when them people are probably asleep when the slaves are doing all the work

Is it true that the slavery had never existed in the world before the Europeans began to colonize America?

No. Slavery existed for many centuries before North America was known. The Egyptians and Romans had slaves. In fact, the African tribes that presented slaves to the Europeans knew very well what it was that they were doing.

What are three reasons why Harriet Tubman freed slaves?

She was tired of this slavery she wanted every African American to be free so it can be fair. We are so thankful for her doing that!

Why is Lincoln honored?

Abraham Lincoln was honored because he ended slavery and without him, we would probably have slaves working in factories and have to be doing stuff like hard labor.

How did enslaved African Americans engage in resistance to slavery?

Disobedience and escaping were two ways of resisting slavery. Disobedience and escaping were two ways of resisting slavery fighting there masters not doing work in the house or on the field.

Why do you think the Quakers and others on the underground railroad provide shelter to the runaways?

Because they believed that slavery was immoral, and by providing shelter and aiding fleeing slaves, they were doing the right thing.

What were slaves doing when they were resisted slavery?

Thousands of slaves ran away. Some left the plantation for days or weeks at a time and lived in hiding. Others formed maroon communities in mountains, forests or swamps. Many escaped to the North. There were also numerous instances of slave revolts throughout the history of the institution. (For one white interpretation of slave resistance, see Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race) Even when slaves acted in a subservient manner, they were often practicing a type of resistance. By fooling the master or overseer with their behavior, they resisted additional ill treatment. Enslaved African Americans also resisted by forming community within the plantation setting. This was a tremendous undertaking for people whose lives were ruled by domination and forced labor. Slaves married, had children, and worked hard to keep their families together. In their quarters they were able to let down the masks they had to wear for whites. There, black men, women, and children developed an underground culture through which they affirmed their humanity. They gathered in the evenings to tell stories, sing, and make secret plans. House servants would come down from the "big house" and give news of the master and mistress, or keep people laughing with their imitations of the whites.

What were slaves doing when they obey their masters?

The were doing what they were told.

What arguments did white southerns use to defend slavery?

That cotton was America's biggest export, so the institution of slavery was beneficial. That slaves were simple, happy folk, content with their lot. That the slaves were much better-off in America than they would have been in Africa. That slavery was a perfect God-given arrangement of master and man. They called it a states rights issue. They argued that slaves were property or animals, not people, and were thus not entitled to rights. The best "scientists" of that day considered people with dark skin to be inferior. The southerners said slavery was necessary to help the economy. They convinced themselves that they were doing people from Africa a favor. They argued that slavery was a time-honored tradition and that even Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Why slavery should have been continued?

I am glad slavery ended, but we could have kept it because sown south, especially in Texas, there were many cotton fields that needed to be kept up-to-date, so we could have had slaves to help us out there. Also slaves helped out in the fields of farms and made harvasting crops a lot faster than it would have been if only the farm owner's family was doing it. But again, I'm glad slavery ended.

What did Lincoln say he was doing with the emancipation proclamation apex answers?

Freeing all slaves in states fighting against the Union