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the first call was......"what am i talking on what is this help me i dont know how dtupid I am so iam talking into some pice of JUNK

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Q: What did the first people in Canada call ottwa?
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Related questions

Who were the first people to come to Canada?

the first people who came to Canada is the first nations or you can call them aboriginals.

What do you call people who come from Canada?


What do you call people from Canada in spanish?

Translation: Canadiense

What do you call a person from Canada?

People from Canada are called Canadians or les Canadiens or les Canadiennes in French

Who first celebrated the day you call Halloween?

Canada because they are first ones that are stupid to celebrate it!!

What do people call bigfoot in Canada?


What do people call Santa Claus in Canada?

We canadians call him Santa Claus, also. Don't worry about it.

What did the europeans call the natives that they first met in the tundra region Canada?

Indians. Indians are what the europeans called the natives when they first met in the tundra region Canada.

Do you call people in Ireland by their first name or not?

Yes, its normal to call people by their first name once you have been introduced to them.

If Indian is an incorrect term for First Nations people why is it still used by Canada's Department of First Nations Indian affairs?

no it is not because there are Asian Indians and aboriginal Indians. If you call them Indian or red Indian it is unpolitcially correct which means that it is legally wrong and right to call them that

What are the people called in Canada?

As of what i have learned, when the Indians traveled over the Bering Strait and settled in America, they have also settled in Canada. So, what i think they are called are the same to the people in America, what we presently call Indians. ___________ They are called either First Nations or Inuit, depending upon where they are from. Native is another acceptable term. The word Indian is rarely used in Canada.

What do people in Canada call little black cats?

bad luk or little black cats