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Voltaire believed in tolerance, reason, freedom of religious beliefs, and freedom of speech.

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13y ago
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15y ago

he fought for social reforms was one of the enlightenment thinkers believed in an "enlightened despot" despised democracy. Google it.

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13y ago

he liked to write

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3y ago

Only for those adults who .hic!. drink too much

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Q: What did voltaire believe in?
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What did voltaire believe?

Voltaire believed in tolerance, reason, freedom of religious beliefs, and freedom of speech.

Do you believe that Voltaire has won his argument?

dont worry about it

Which was not a belief of Voltaire?

Voltaire did not believe in organized religion and was critical of the Catholic Church.

Was Voltaire in love with his niece?

yes i believe he did i am not completely sure but i am 95.2% sure

Who did Voltaire believe was histories greatest man?

Voltaire believed Alexander the Great was history's greatest man, due to his military conquests and impact on civilization through the spread of Greek culture.

Did Voltaire believe that life was short nasty and brutish?

It was actually Hobbes, not Voltaire, who warned that in the absence of good government, life tends to be nasty, brutish, and short. However, it is true that Voltaire also commented on the nastiness of life, particularly in his novel Candide.

What did the enlightenment thinker voltaire believe?

Voltaire believed in freedom of thought and expression, the separation of church and state, and the importance of reason and science in improving society. He was critical of religious intolerance and social injustice, and advocated for tolerance, progress, and individual liberty.

Did Voltaire believe that people could govern themselves?

Yes, Voltaire believed in the concept of enlightened absolutism, where a ruler's power was limited by the principles of reason and justice. He did not believe in total democracy but thought that a wise and benevolent monarch could ensure the good governance of a society.

Why did Voltaire write candide?

Voltaire wrote "Candide" as a satire to criticize and expose the irrationality and cruelty of society, religion, and humanity during the 18th century. Through the story of the naive and optimistic Candide, Voltaire challenges prevailing beliefs and institutions of his time, advocating for reason, tolerance, and common sense.

Did Voltaire believe the universe was heliocentric?

Yes, Voltaire supported the heliocentric view of the universe proposed by Copernicus. He wrote about it in his work "Elements of Newton's Philosophy" where he praised the advancements made by Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton in understanding the cosmos.

What did Voltaire believe about god?

Voltaire was a Deist, believing in a supreme being who created the universe but did not interfere in human affairs. He was critical of organized religion and its influence on society, advocating for reason, tolerance, and freedom of thought.

Who was the greatest thinker of the enlightenement?
