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Diamond, graphite, and buckminsterfullerene are made of pure carbon and are insoluble in water.

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Q: What do diamond graphite and buckminsterfullerene have in common?
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What does diamond coal graphite cokeand buckminsterfullerene have in common?

Diamond, coal, graphite, coke and buckminsterfullerene are composed primarily of carbon and are insoluble in water.

What type of bond does diamond graphite and buckminsterfullerene have - Single Double or Triple?

Diamond and Graphite both have single covalent bonds whereas Buckminsterfullerene has double covalent bonds.

What are 3 examples of allotropes of carbon?

diamond, graphite, and buckminsterfullerene.

What are the geometric shapes of the carbon allotropes?

Diamond,Graphite,Lonsdaleite, Buckminsterfullerene

Is graphite and diamond an element?

The element carbon can exist in a variety of forms, which include both graphite and diamond, as well as coal, and buckminsterfullerene.

What elements have more than one form?

Carbon has three allotropes, diamond, graphite and buckminsterfullerene.

Name three different allotropes of carbon?

The three different allotropes of carbon are: -Diamond-Graphite-Buckminsterfullerene

What are three ways that a carbon atom can be arranged or bonded in a molecule?

Graphite, Diamond, and Buckminsterfullerene, if that's what you were looking for.

Graphite is more common than diamond?

Yes, graphite is more common than diamond.

What are the four allotropes of carbon?

=>diamond is not conducting electricity and heat. =>it is hardest natural substances known. =>it occurs naturally free state. =>graphite is soft and greasy to touch. =>it doesn't conduct heat an electricity. =>it occurred naturally and manufactured artificially. =>buckminsterfullerene is used in medicines. =>it is used in treatment of cancer.

Graphite is an allotrope of what element?

Diamond, graphite and carbon black are the most common allotropes of CARBON

What are the similarities and differences between diamond and graphite and Buckminsterfullerene?

similarities -- all are forms of carbon differences -- because of the structures of the bonds of the carbon atoms, they have different properties