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Q: What do you call a helper on a farm?
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What do you call a horse farm helper?

Here on the farm, we call our paid helpers farm/stable hands. Non-paid workers are called volunteer farm/stable hands. Some horse farms have programs in which people exchange help on the farm for lessons or an education. These are usually called working students. Answer2: stable woman or stable man Answer3: Stable hand, farm hand, stable man/woman, working student, groom, and lad are all terms used for someone who works on a horse farm.

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they are called ''SIDE-KICK''

What do you call a farm for eggs?

there is no farm for eggs

What are the duties of general farming helper?

A farm hand does everything from fixing fences to feeding the animals to helping the Vet care for the animals. If it's farm related and your a farm hand, you should be knee deep in whatever project it is.

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What would you call the main characters helper?

The main character's helper could be called a sidekick, companion, or assistant, depending on the dynamics of their relationship and the role they play in the story.

What do you call someone who does things for others?

A person who does things for others may be an assistant or a helper.

What do the british call a farm tractor?

They just call it a tractor.