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Butter someone up: to flatter someone; to try to get a favor by praising someone
Origin: This saying comes from the simple act of buttering a slice of bread. When you take plain bread and lay on a coat of creamy butter, it is sort of like covering a person with praise and flattery.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It means to kiss up or flatter/compliment someone a lot.

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13y ago

To be friendly to someone as a means to curry some sort of favor. Say nice things about them which are usually not said in earnest.

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That's up to the person who made it.

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Guns to butter i think you mean. google it.

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...butter melts when you warm it up

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Guns to butter i think you mean. Google it.

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errrr maybe it means 1 STICK OF BUTTER YOU FOOL! or in more apropriate words it means a clump of butter like the normal sixe butter the whole thing of that I think it means half a cup. I'm not sure either. But i know that the person above was american!

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Macedonio Pena was the real person who invented peanut butter.

What is Mounter au beurre?

"Monter au beurre" is a French term; literally, it means to "butter up", however if this does not make sense (depending on the context), it may also be taken to mean "join in the butter" (i.e "add the butter").

What does butter someone up mean?

to compliment someone endlessly in the hope of getting something from them