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Q: What does it mean when Mitch thinks Morrie's stuck in the 60's?
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it means that he thinks you are stuck up and you have to have everything your way.

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it means a stupid little girl or boy that thinks she or he is better than everyone she or he is a stuck up looser

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"Stush" is slang that refers to someone who is standoffish, snobbish, or stuck-up. It is commonly used in Caribbean dialects, particularly in Jamaican English.

Is mitch medberg dead?

If you mean Mitch Hedberg? Then, yes. He was a stand-up comedian. Anyways, he died in 2005.

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do u mean mitt romney.

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No, they do not. They don't care for them, and Tom thinks they're stuck up, but they don't hate them. That doesn't mean you'll find them clubbing together either.

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she can be mean...but cant we all? tyler thinks shes mean though...he thinks shes the devil! haha

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If you mean on the episode "iChristmas", his name is Mitch.

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He thinks Harry's Lily's son.

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What does it mean when a guy thinks you are hot?

He thinks you look good it doesn't say anything else.

When you ask a girl what she thinks of you and she says you will find out soon what does that mean?

That means she is going to show you how she thinks of you.