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Q: What does the Curtis home mean to Darry soda pop and the rest of the greasers?
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What poem would suit Dally Curtis?

there is no one named Dally Curtis. Either you mean Darry Curtis or Dally Winston.

What club would soda Curtis be in?

If you mean Soda Curtis from "The Outsiders" he was in the gang "The Greasers" who lived on the poor East side of town, wore dark clothes with slicked back hair and travelled mostly on foot.

How did Darry die?

I'm pretty sure Darry didn't die? do you mean dally

Cherry thinks greasers are?

she thinks that not all greasers are mean and want to fight. there are some that want to be friendly

Was Darry mean in The Outsiders?

no. He just cared about his brothers.

Why does Darry strike Ponyboy in chapter 3?

Darry slapped Ponyboy during an arguement. Ponyboy had fallen asleep in the vacant lot with Johnny and hadn't gotten home until 2 AM. Soda tried to stick up for Ponyboy and Darry yelled at Soda. When Ponyboy raised his voice to his oldest brother, Darry hit him. Darry was not really angry at Pony...he was just scared that something had happened to him and was upset that Pony had done something as careless as fall asleep in the lot.

Who played in The Outsiders?

if you mean what is the cast list in the movie, then Johnny Cade was played by Ralph Macchio, Ponyboy curtis was played by C. Thomas Howell, Cherry (Sherri) Valance was played by Diane Lane, Dallas Winston was played by Matt Dillon, Darry Curtis was played by Patrick Swayze, Sodapop Curtis was played by Rob Lowe, And Two-bit Matthews was played by Emilio Estevez. and that's all for the main characters.

Who is the oldest Greaser of the book The Outsiders?

The Oldest Greaser In The Novel The Outsiders Is Either Dally Or Darry They're Both Around The Same Age ;

What does pony mean when he says that the greasers have all rough breaks?

all bad things (or poor luck) happens to greasers while the socs get off easy

How did the society treat the greasers and the socs differently in the outsiders?

they were nice to the socs because they were rich and mean to the greasers cause they stunk

What is important for the socs?

they are really violent and they are from a higher class than the greasers.

What does the rumble mean to each of the greasers?

The rumble means a chance for them to show the Socs that they are better than them. Also each greaser who is fighting in the rumble has a reason for fighting (except Pony who is unsure why he fights.) Darry fights because he is proud of how strong he is. Steve fights because of hatred. Soda fights for fun. Two-Bit fights because everyone elese does.