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Q: What does the Greaser hair represent?
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Related questions

Why is ponyboy's hair so important to him?

Because it represent his identity as a greaser

Where does the term Greaser come from?

The term greasers come from their greasy hair

What if you want to dress up like a greaser but have short hair?

Wait for your hair to grow out. I'm a greaser but I have short hair because I have to cut it for ROTC. I'm letting my hair grow out. Just dress like a greaser (wear t-shirts and roll up the sleeves wear button up shirts wear Levi's and cuff them wear converse or creepers and that's about it) that's what I'm doing

Can you give five question on a greaser in the book call the outsider?

I have one. 1) Q. What are the qualities of a greaser? A. Greased hair, leather jackets, "hoodlums" etc.

Why did the boys cut their hair in the outsiders?

The boys were trying to decicse themselves what did they decide what

What does bob say a Greaser is chapter 3 the outsiders?

white trash with long greasy hair

For the out siders how did bob describle GREASER?

bob described greasers as white trash with long hair

How do you do a greaser girl makeup?

Buy a copy of Grease and study the Pink Ladies' makeup. It's real heavy, with bold eye makeup and bright red lipstick. Your hair's more important, though--if you have greaser makeup and 21st century hair, it won't work.

What do Greaser girls look like?

Short skirts and greasy hair with alot of make-up; slutty

Why was pony upset getting a haircut?

the greasers get their name from their hairstyle. For the greasers their hair means everything. to look like a greaser, your hair has to be just right. When Johnny cut it off and bleached it he didn't look like a greaser anymore and didn't feel like part of the gang.

Is Dallas Winston a greaser or Soc?

he is a greaser

What was a Greaser called in the 1960's?

A greaser.